4510005680 steering wheel for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D 98769

4510005680 steering wheel for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D 98769
4510005680 steering wheel for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D 98769
4510005680 steering wheel for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D 98769
4510005680 steering wheel for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D 98769
4510005680 steering wheel for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D 98769
4510005680 steering wheel for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D 98769
4510005680 steering wheel for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D 98769
4510005680 steering wheel for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D 98769
4510005680 steering wheel for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D 98769

4510005680 steering wheel for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D 98769
4510005680 steering wheel for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D 98769. Steering wheel for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D CAT 2ADFHV 2008. Model: AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27). Mileage: Does Not Apply. This part corresponds to a left-hand-drive model. This item is going to be sent out ot the European Union considering it as an extra-community exportation. Otherwise, it will be invoiced as a receipt or simplified invoice, and changes can’t be made afterwards. This part is part of a high-quality recycling process, contributing to the circular economy and reducing environmental impact. If you encounter any issues, our customer service team is available to assist you with installation or any technical inquiries. Our team ensures your order arrives as quickly as possible, no matter where you are. Do you want us to make sure that this part fits your vehicle? We can check it! Just send us a picture of the technical data sheet and/or the reference of your part. ¿Quieres que te aseguremos que esta pieza corresponde a tu vehículo? Solo tienes que enviarnos una fotografía de la ficha técnica y/o la referencia de tu pieza. Voulez-vous que nous nous assurions que cette pièce conviendra à votre véhicule? Nous pouvons le vérifier! Il vous suffit de nous envoyer une photo de la fiche technique et/ou la référence de votre pièce. Möchten Sie, dass wir sicherstellen, dass dieses Teil Ihrem Fahrzeug entspricht? Wir können es überprüfen! Sie müssen uns lediglich ein Foto des technischen Datenblatts und/oder der Referenz Ihres Stücks zusenden. Vuoi che ci assicuriamo che questa parte sia adatta al tuo veicolo? Tutto quello che devi fare è inviarci una foto della scheda tecnica e/o il riferimento del tuo pezzo. Chcesz, zebysmy sie upewnili, ze ta czesc bedzie pasowac do Twojego pojazdu? Wszystko, co musisz zrobic, to przeslac nam zdjecie karty technicznej i/lub numer referencyjny swojego produktu. Quer que tenhamos certeza de que esta peça corresponde ao seu veículo? Basta enviar-nos uma fotografia da ficha técnica e/ou da referência da sua peça. General Return Conditions of Desguace Sanchez 4×4 SL, hereinafter referred to as THE COMPANY. Desguace Sanchez 4×4 SL 2024.
4510005680 steering wheel for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D 98769

8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306

8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306

8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306. Headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D (124 CV) 1ADFTV 2008. Model: AVENSIS CROSS SPORT. This part corresponds to a left-hand-drive model. For large cubic parts such as bonnets, motors, fins or oversized parts. This item is going to be sent out ot the European Union considering it as an extra-community exportation. Otherwise, it will be invoiced as a receipt or simplified invoice, and changes can’t be made afterwards. Do you want us to make sure that this part fits your vehicle? We can check it! Just send us a picture of the technical data sheet and/or the reference of your part. ¿Quieres que te aseguremos que esta pieza corresponde a tu vehículo? Solo tienes que enviarnos una fotografía de la ficha técnica y/o la referencia de tu pieza. Voulez-vous que nous nous assurions que cette pièce conviendra à votre véhicule? Nous pouvons le vérifier! Il vous suffit de nous envoyer une photo de la fiche technique et/ou la référence de votre pièce. Möchten Sie, dass wir sicherstellen, dass dieses Teil Ihrem Fahrzeug entspricht? Wir können es überprüfen! Sie müssen uns lediglich ein Foto des technischen Datenblatts und/oder der Referenz Ihres Stücks zusenden. Vuoi che ci assicuriamo che questa parte sia adatta al tuo veicolo? Tutto quello che devi fare è inviarci una foto della scheda tecnica e/o il riferimento del tuo pezzo. Chcesz, zebysmy sie upewnili, ze ta czesc bedzie pasowac do Twojego pojazdu? Wszystko, co musisz zrobic, to przeslac nam zdjecie karty technicznej i/lub numer referencyjny swojego produktu. Quer que tenhamos certeza de que esta peça corresponde ao seu veículo? Basta enviar-nos uma fotografia da ficha técnica e/ou da referência da sua peça. General Return Conditions of Desguaces Logroño, SL, hereinafter referred to as THE COMPANY.
8113005350 headlamp rh for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT 2.0 D-4D 2008 1314306

0265235406 abs for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D (150 HP) 2011-2018

0265235406 abs for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D (150 HP) 2011-2018
0265235406 abs for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D (150 HP) 2011-2018
0265235406 abs for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D (150 HP) 2011-2018
0265235406 abs for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D (150 HP) 2011-2018

0265235406 abs for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D (150 HP) 2011-2018
Besuchen Sie unseren Shop. Warum sollten Sie sich für uns entscheiden? StockId: 136330 0265235406 / 0265950749. Herstellerreferenz: 0265235406 / 0265950749. Modell: AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27). Für große Teile wie Motorhauben, Motoren, Stoßfänger oder andere übergroße Teile wenden Sie sich bitte an den Verkäufer. Wenden Sie sich bitte an den Versandpreis. Für Bestellungen auf die Balearen, Kanarischen Inseln, Ceuta und Melilla, zusätzliche Versandkosten. Wenden Sie sich an den Verkäufer. Internationale Sendungen erfolgen nicht auf Inselgebiet. Wenn der Kunde die entsprechenden Versandkosten nicht auswählt, wird die Bestellung storniert. Wenn Sie einen Artikel kaufen, für den ein Freischaltcode erforderlich ist, teilt Ihnen der Verkäufer die Fahrgestellnummer des Fahrzeugs mit, und Sie sind dafür verantwortlich, den Code beim Händler anzufordern (sowie für alle damit verbundenen Kosten). Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation im Großbritannien kommt es zu Verzögerungen bei den Lieferungen, da die Pakete beim Zoll aufgehalten werden, so dass wir die rechtzeitige Zustellung Ihrer Bestellung nicht garantieren können. Eventuelle Kosten, die durch die Zollabfertigung entstehen, gehen immer zu Lasten des Käufers. Aufgrund von Transportstreiks in Frankreich und Deutschland kann es zu Verzögerungen bei der Lieferung an diese Bestimmungsorte kommen. Wenn Sie wissen möchten, ob dieses Teil für Ihr Fahrzeug gültig ist, können Sie uns die Fahrgestellnummer Ihres Fahrzeugs zusenden. Wir können es überprüfen. ¿Quieres que te aseguremos que esta pieza corresponde a tu vehículo? Solo tienes que enviarnos el número VIN de tu vehículo. Si vous avez besoin de savoir si cette pièce est valable pour votre véhicule, vous pouvez nous envoyer le numéro VIN de votre véhicule. Nous pouvons le vérifier. If you need to know if this part is valid for your car, you can send us your cars vehicle identification number (VIN). We can check it. Se hai bisogno di sapere se questo pezzo è valido per il tuo veicolo, puoi inviarci il numero VIN del tuo veicolo. Jesli chcesz wiedziec, czy ta czesc jest wazna dla Twojego pojazdu, mozesz przeslac nam numer VIN swojego pojazdu. Se você precisa saber se esta peça é válida para o seu veículo, você pode nos enviar o número VIN do seu veículo. Nós podemos verificar isso. Versand- und Abholkosten bei Rücksendung gehen zu Ihren Lasten. USED WORLD PARTS, SL bietet seinen Kunden, mit Ausnahme von Steuergeräten oder elektronischen Bauteilen, eine Mindestgarantie von 1 Jahr gemäß dem Königlichen Gesetzesdekret 1/2007, die von den in den Garantiebüchern angegebenen Materialarten abhängt. Wenn während der Garantiezeit Fehler auftreten, müssen Sie USED WORLD PARTS, SL benachrichtigen und die zu garantierende Ware liefern, die das Stück bewertet und den Umtausch oder die Rückerstattung des Betrags vornimmt. Wenn das Teil nicht defekt ist, wird ein Gutschein im Wert von dem gleichen geliefert, der in Teilen auf Lager ausgetauscht werden kann. Die Garantie erstreckt sich nicht auf Arbeitskräfte, Mängel, Schäden, die durch das Versagen des Teils, unsachgemäße Montage oder Nichtbeachtung der vom Hersteller angegebenen Wartung verursacht wurden. Der gesamte Umtausch hat eine maximale Rückgabezeit von 7 Tagen, vorausgesetzt, er wird nicht manipuliert und die Rechnung wird als Nachweis vorgelegt. Danach wird keine Rückgabe mehr akzeptiert. 18 RD 782/98 des Gesetzes 11/97 über Verpackungen und Verpackungsabfälle. Die Person, die für die Lieferung der für ein ordnungsgemäßes Umweltmanagement verwendeten Abfallbehälter verantwortlich ist, ist der Endinhaber. Um eine solche Rendite zu erzielen, sollten Sie wissen, dass. Das Produkt muss in einwandfreiem Zustand und in der Originalverpackung sein. Das Produkt muss gehandhabt worden sein und behält seine Garantiesiegel. Sie können die Verpackung des Ersatzartikels nicht als Postpaket verwenden. Fügen Sie den Versandauftrag nicht direkt auf den Karton des Ersatzartikels ein, da unser Unternehmen das Produkt möglicherweise nicht akzeptiert. Abhängig vom Zustand des zurückgegebenen Teils (unvollständig, beschädigt, Verpackung in schlechtem Zustand) kann die Rückerstattung abgelehnt werden. Wenn das Produkt nicht das gewünschte Produkt war oder einen Defekt aufweist, schließt diese Garantie dies ein. Sobald wir die Ware in unseren Lagern erhalten haben und sicherstellen, dass alle oben genannten Bedingungen erfüllt sind, nimmt USED WORLD PARTS, SL die Rücksendung des Produkts an und erstattet den Betrag gemäß der durchgeführten Zahlungsmethode und gegebenenfalls dem Versand des Produkts neues Produkt. This item is in the category “Auto & Motorrad: Teile\Autoteile & Zubehör\Bremsen & Bremsenteile\ABS & ESP-Hydraulik”. The seller is “stock_parts” and is located in this country: ES. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Hersteller: TOYOTA
  • Herstellernummer: 0265235406 / 0265950749

0265235406 abs for TOYOTA AVENSIS CROSS SPORT (T27) 2.2 D-4D (150 HP) 2011-2018

Tarox Sport Japan Brake Discs Front TOYO-SJ-33 For Toyota Avensis Verso D-4D

Tarox Sport Japan Brake Discs Front TOYO-SJ-33 For Toyota Avensis Verso D-4D

Tarox Sport Japan Brake Discs Front TOYO-SJ-33 For Toyota Avensis Verso D-4D
Tarox Sport Japan Brake Discs Front TOYO-SJ-33 For Toyota Avensis Verso D-4D. As the name implies the Sport Japan was originally designed for the Japanese market, where performance and tough looks are essential. Sport Japan discs are one of the only aftermarket performance discs to still feature fully drilled holes, which is one of the most effective ways of venting hot gases from the brake surface. Although effective, this is an aggressive method of dissipating heat. To ensure ultimate performance and durability all Sport Japan discs feature countersunk holes strategically placed in order not to affect the discs structural integrity. This method is much more effective than a dimple, as the gas actually leaves the discs surface into the ventilation channels in the disc centre and away from the disc surface, ensuring the disc runs cooler for longer. An additional 6 grooves on the braking surface act like a wiper, keeping the brake pad from glazing and removing excess dust while providing additional cooling. All Sport Japan discs are made from the highest quality high carbon TUV approved castings, and feature our unique finishing processes of heat treatment for strength and durability, perfect final balancing to within 0.01mm for a perfect contact patch and quick bedding-in and a final, anti-rust treatment. Note : Dimensions : 275x50x26mm – Vented – 5 studs. Other Part No : 3716. E Note Some of the Disc Range have to be specially made and therefore some orders can take approx 14 days. Please be aware of this before ordering- please feel free to call /. Since the early 1980s TAROX Performance Brake Discs have been associated with absolute quality. Blank casts used for TAROX discs, after having passed stringent quality controls. Are subjected to structural stress relieving heat treatment at the end of each machining phase as a result of more than 30 years experience. Facing is performed on CNC turning machines or – in the case of G88 discs – on in house custom built machinery. Another distinguishing feature of TAROX brake discs is their perfectly level surface machined to a tolerance approaching 0.015 mm, achieved during the final finishing of the braking. Surfaces on grinding machines; each disc is ground individually by a specialised operator resulting in that distinctive shining look. TAROX discs work best when coupled with TAROX pads which have been specifically formulated to deliver optimum performance with heat treated discs. F2000 discs are the ideal solution for those who alternate the use of the car on the road with serious sessions on the track. The curved grooves on the braking surface deglaze the. Pads and allow the disc to run cooler. Compared to G88 the F2000 discs feature less grooves which strike the perfect balance between heat dissipation and strength ensuring they cope with even the most demanding use. All F2000 discs are based on original equipment specification, TUV approved castings, heat treated for strength and hand finished to ensure the smoothest possible braking surface. TAROX Corsa pads are their ideal partner for track day sessions. The G88 is probably the best known of all TAROX discs and the most instantly recognisable with its multiple radial grooves machined into the disc surface using custom made. These grooves are designed to generate a turbine effect which dissipates heat build up, allowing the discs to run cooler and reducing the possibility of warping, vibration or cracking. All G88 discs are based on original equipment specification, TUV approved castings, heat treated for strength, hand finished to ensure the smoothest possible braking surface and now. Many applications are TÜV and ABE approved by the German KBA. Sport Japan Brake Discs. As the name implies Sport Japan discs were originally designed for the Japanese market where tough looks and high performance are important factors. Sport Japan discs are now one of the only aftermarket performance discs to still feature fully drilled countersunk holes which are much more effective at venting gasses which cause. Brake fade than the more common dimples. 6 grooves on the braking surface keep pads from glazing. All Sport Japan discs are based on original equipment specification, TÜV approved castings, heat treated for strength and hand finished to ensure the smoothest possible braking. Sport Japan discs are TÜV approved for most applications. Since the late seventies the doors of Tarox have been open to customers far and wide helping them to solve their braking problems. In this time we have seen many weird and wonderful vehicles from true icons such as the Lamborghini Miura to the new Audi RS3 with many Porsches and Ferraris and other. Performance cars and exotica in-between. In other cases we. Were requested to engineer an uprated Tarox version of an existing disc, sometimes by creating a two piece arrangement instead of the standard OE single piece structure, other. Times just using Tarox’ high tensile cast for improved durability and resilience. We have finally got round to compiling all of these special applications into a catalogue for all car enthusiasts who are struggling to find replacement discs for their classic car or those. Who require the extra quality and performance for their sports car. Manufactured from cast iron coming from specialised foundries the discs for high performance cars have in most cases a two piece construction with an alloy bell. In some cases the. Two piece version may be. Tarox offer a range of out of production and hard to find discs for certain classic cars. Improved design and materials make cars designed in the 60’s and 70’s safer on 21st century. No matter what your requirements from a brake pad TAROX will have something to suit your needs, whether it is for hard track day use or you just require a greater quality pad for your. TAROX pads are made from the highest quality materials developed to meet and exceed European regulations. Three different compounds are available offering varying levels of performance and comfort. It is generally considered the higher performance the pad the less comfortable it will be for. Day to day driving conditions. If you would like any more information regarding TAROX brake pads please use the form in the contact area. A variety of TAROX Brake Kits are available to suit various applications and customer requirements. Every kit is produced from the finest materials and is manufactured in-house in. In order to choose the most appropriate specification caliper for. Each brake conversion kit TAROX adhere to the following guidelines. Each caliper is machined from a solid block of aluminium billet and hand assembled. In principle, the more pistons the better. The benefit of having multiple pistons can be summed up. Perpendicularly distributed pressure on the pads, resulting in a more even wear of the brake pad. Smaller pistons compared to those used on traditional calipers work perfectly parallel to the piston chambers, thus avoiding wear and loss of brake fluid. Increased cooling action of the pads, due to more airflow behind the pad’s back plate. Less stress factor on the caliper itself. More clamping action resulting in more braking power due to the presence of more pistons. The diameter of the pistons in the calipers are specific to each application to take into account the car’s master cylinder. Fitting a TAROX kit does not involve the replacement or the. Modification of other brake components e. Master cylinder, servo and does not interfere with electronic devices like the ABS or SBS. All TAROX calipers come with grey or black hard (450 Wickers) anodising for maximum life. Colour anodised calipers can be specified and although glamorous looking, they demand. More care and attention and do not deliver the same durability as the grey or black hard anodised calipers. Extra care must be used when cleaning alloy wheels because some. Cleaning product are acid based and may damage the calliper’s finish. For best results always remove the wheel before cleaning. Most colours are available on request at no extra. All TAROX brake calipers are designed to be used without the need to be periodically serviced. The way each piston works in the chamber and the use of O-rings to keep out the dirt. Dust and other agents does not require the use of dustcaps. It is advised that only experienced professionals dismantle the calipers: replacement components including O-ring fitted. Pistons can be ordered at your nearest TAROX distributor. TAROX brake calipers have been designed to host large brake pads, or in the case of the B350, B380 and B400 callipers, 4 smaller pads in each caliper. Kits can be specified with any. Of the following compounds at no extra cost. Strada – Fast road use. Corsa – Fast road and track use. Competizione – Track use only. The discs featured in TAROX brake kits are developed to work perfectly with the calipers. Smaller kits feature a single piece disc whereas the larger kits feature a two piece disc in. Order to reduce weight and improve performance further. By default, kits are supplied with F2000 discs, but Sport Japan, D95 and C83 discs can also be specified when ordering at no. Our braided brake hoses are manufactured by hand and like all products in the TAROX range they’re produced from the finest quality European materials. Constructed from the highest quality PTFE flexible hose and stainless steel over braid both protected by a weather resistant PVC outer coating. All TAROX braided lines feature fully. Swaged stainless steel fittings and anti-whip collars to provide years of reliable performance. Each kit is designed to be a direct replacement for the OE parts and tailored specifically. Following construction, every single TAROX braided hose is individually pressure tested to ensure high performance and longevity. Upgrading to braided brake hoses will provide you with a firmer pedal by reducing the amount of flex compared to a standard rubber hose. This results in a more immediate pedal. Response which is ideal for spirited driving and track use. Our hoses are compatible with both DOT4 and DOT5.1 specification fluids and our application list spans over 750 vehicles. FMVSS 106 (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards). DOT (USA Department of Transport). For the finishing touch, use with TAROX RoadRace brake fluid to maximise your vehicles braking system performance. We recommend only qualified persons carry out servicing work on safety critical vehicle systems such as brakes. Improper fitting and/or adjustment could lead to brake pressure loss. Or even complete brake failure. We pride ourselves on a quality service and we are happy to address any concerns. This item is in the category “Vehicle Parts & Accessories\Car Tuning & Styling\Performance Braking\Performance Brake Discs”. The seller is “mjd128″ and is located in this country: GB. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Item condition: New
  • Other Part Number: 3716
  • Classic Car Part: No
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United Kingdom
  • Manufacturer Part Number: TOYO-SJ-33
  • Brand: Tarox
  • Warranty Period: 1 Year
  • Unit Type: Unit
  • Custom Bundle: Yes
  • Bundle Description: Pack of 2 Discs
  • Modification Description: No
  • Unit Quantity: 1
  • Grade: Premium
  • Placement on Vehicle: Front
  • Modified Item: No

Tarox Sport Japan Brake Discs Front TOYO-SJ-33 For Toyota Avensis Verso D-4D

Tarox Sport Japan Front Discs for Toyota Avensis Mk1 2.0 TD D4-D Estate

Tarox Sport Japan Front Discs for Toyota Avensis Mk1 2.0 TD D4-D Estate

Tarox Sport Japan Front Discs for Toyota Avensis Mk1 2.0 TD D4-D Estate
Tarox Sport Japan Front Discs for Toyota Avensis Mk1 2.0 TD D4-D Estate. Check Out Our Feedback. Tarox have been manufacturing brake components since 1976, originally just for Formula 1 cars but then later also as performance upgrades for road cars. In fact in 1983 they launched the first ever grooved brake disc suitable for road cars. Tarox Sport Japan Brake Discs are drilled and grooved to deliver tough looks and high performance. The six grooves help to continuously deglaze the pad surface while drilled holes remove the gasses which can cause brake fade. Tarox Brake Discs are heat treated for strength and hand finished to ensure the smoothest possible braking surface. Sport Japan Discs are TUV approved for most applications. As one of the UK’s largest suppliers of Tarox Brakes we can offer advice to help you make the right choice of brake discs and pads to suit your driving requirements. This listing is for the following item(s): Tarox Sport Japan Front Vented Brake Discs To suit the following model(s): Toyota Avensis Mk1 2.0 Turbo Diesel D4-D Estate Years of manufacture: 1999 > Only for cars with ATE Brake System A Set of 2 Tarox Sport Japan Front Vented Brake Discs Disc Diameter = 275mm Disc Thickness = 25mm Minimum Thickness = 23mm Disc Height = 50.7mm Centre Bore Diameter = 55mm Stud Arrangement = 5 Studs Suits Engine Size of 2 NOTE: This is just a stock image – not your exact discs Tarox Part Number = 3722 Please Note: Although the majority of Tarox Brakes are kept in stock in the UK, some parts are made to order, and can take up to 2 weeks. We will of course contact you if your parts are not in stock. Since then we have grown to become one of the largest Performance and Styling Centres in the UK, with a huge and ever increasing website, and exporting to every corner of the globe. However, our commitment to service and value has never changed. We have enjoyed such prolonged success because we deliver excellent customer service – day in, day out. Our staff are the most knowledgeable and experienced in the UK. Quotes will therefore always be for an insured courier, or tracked post, depending on the weight and value of the item. For items that are being sent within the UK via 2nd class post, please allow 3-5 days from the date of dispatch before contacting us. We will have entered an approximate dispatch time on each listing. You have 14 days from the date of receipt in which to return your item. Experienced & Helpful Staff. Designed by Jarilo Design. This item is in the category “Vehicle Parts & Accessories\Car Tuning & Styling\Performance Braking\Performance Brake Discs”. The seller is “larkspeedperformancecentre” and is located in this country: GB. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: Tarox
  • Manufacturer Part Number: 780SPTJAP3722
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Italy
  • Placement on Vehicle: Front, Front Axle Set
  • Tarox Part Number: 3722
  • Return postage will be paid by: Buyer

Tarox Sport Japan Front Discs for Toyota Avensis Mk1 2.0 TD D4-D Estate

Sport Bremsscheiben Toyota Avensis T25 2.2 D 4D Cat 295x26mm vorne Zimmermann

Sport Bremsscheiben Toyota Avensis T25 2.2 D 4D Cat 295x26mm vorne Zimmermann
Sport Bremsscheiben Toyota Avensis T25 2.2 D 4D Cat 295x26mm vorne Zimmermann

Sport Bremsscheiben Toyota Avensis T25 2.2 D 4D Cat 295x26mm vorne Zimmermann
Über 30.000 Zufriedene Kunden. Ermitteln Sie ihre Fahrzeugdaten und nutzen Sie unseren Teilecheck im Angebot. Sie finden die KBA und Fahrzeugidentnummer in Ihrem Fahrzeugschein. Bitte achten Sie vor dem Kauf auf die Einschränkungen in der Fahrzeugverwendungsliste, um Ihr passendes Ersatzteil zu finden. Die Fahrzeugliste finden sie oberhalb der Artikelmerkmale. Sport Bremsscheiben Toyota Avensis T25 2.2 D 4D Cat 295x26mm vorne Zimmermann. Bremsscheibenart:Innenbelüftet, Gelocht Oberfläche:Beschichtet Außendurchmesser:295 mm Dicke/Stärke:26 mm Mindestdicke:24 mm Höhe:49,5 mm Bohrbild/Lochzahl:7/5 Lochkreis-Ø 1:114,3 mm Nabenbohrung-Ø:62 mm ABE-Nr:KBA 60872 Gewicht:7,7 kg Produktgruppe:Bremsanlage Produkttyp:Bremsscheibe. Die Zimmermann Sport-Bremsscheibe wurde auf Basis der Erfahrungen von Serienfahrzeug-Bremsscheiben in Verbindung mit dem Rennsport entwickelt. Durch die Kombination hochwertiger Gussmaterialien mit einer gelochten Bremsfläche wird eine Optimierung des Bremssystems erzielt. Mit über 400 verschiedenen Referenzen deckt dieses Programm nahezu den kompletten Fahrzeugbestand ab. Spürbare Verbesserung der Bremsleistung Ihres Fahrzeuges. Bremsstaub und Wasser werden permanent abgeführt. Die Ansenkung der Bohrungen dient gleichzeitig als Verschleißanzeiger. Austausch der Originalscheibe 1:1 möglich. Keine Rostbildung im Topfbereich, dadurch deutlich verbesserte Optik. Volle Bremswirkung, ohne vorheriges Entfernen der Beschichtung. Natürlich Deutsche Fertigung nach aktuellen Qualitätsmanagement-Systemen. Die bekannte, höchste Otto Zimmermann Produkt-Qualität. Die bei uns erworbene Menge an Verbrennungsmotoren- oder Getriebeöl nehmen wir als Altöl kostenlos zum Zweck der fachgerechten Entsorgung zurück. Die Rücknahme erstreckt sich ebenfalls auf Ölfilter und beim Ölwechsel regelmäßige anfallende ölhaltige Abfälle. Rückgabeort ist die im Impressum aufgeführte Adresse. Sie können das gebrauchte Öl bzw. Ölfilter und beim Ölwechsel regelmäßige anfallende ölhaltige Abfälle persönlich bei uns abgeben. Alternativ können Sie bei Übernahme der Versandkosten den Versand per Post wählen. Bitte achten Sie darauf, Altöl bei Versendung als Gefahrengut zu kennzeichnen und entsprechende Behältnisse zu verwenden. Im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Batterien oder mit der Lieferung von Geräten, die Batterien enthalten, sind wir verpflichtet, Sie auf folgendes hinzuweisen:Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien als Endnutzer gesetzlich verpflichtet. Sie können Altbatterien, die wir als Neubatterien im Sortiment führen oder geführt haben, unentgeltlich an unserem Versandlager (Versandadresse) zurückgeben. Die auf den Batterien abgebildeten Symbole haben folgende Bedeutung: Das Symbol der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass die Batterie nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden darf. Pb=Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei. Cd=Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium. Hg=Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber. Ihr kompetenter Partner für Autoteile und Zubehör seit 2009. Vertrauen Sie der Qualität von renommierten Herstellern wie zum Beispiel ATE, Mannol, Mann & Hummel, SCT-Germany, Textar oder Otto Zimmermann. Haben Sie Fragen zu unseren Angeboten? The item “Sport Bremsscheiben Toyota Avensis T25 2.2 D 4D Cat 295x26mm vorne Zimmermann” is in sale since Wednesday, April 15, 2020. This item is in the category “Auto & Motorrad\ Teile\Auto-Ersatz- & -Reparaturteile\Bremsenteile\Bremsscheiben”. The seller is “tex-autoteile” and is located in Solingen. This item can be shipped to European Union member countries.
  • Hersteller: ZIMMERMANN
  • Herstellernummer: 590.2592.52
  • EAN: 4250238749950
  • Einbauposition: Vorne
  • Referenznummer(n) OEM: Bremsscheibe
  • Referenznummer(n) OE: 43512-05080
  • Bremsscheibenart: Innenbelüftet, Gelocht
  • Oberfläche: Beschichtet
  • Außendurchmesser: 295 mm
  • Dicke/Stärke: 26 mm
  • Mindestdicke: 24 mm
  • Höhe: 49,5 mm
  • Bohrbild/Lochzahl: 7/5
  • Lochkreis-Ø 1: 114,3 mm
  • Nabenbohrung-Ø: 62 mm
  • ABE-Nr: KBA 60872
  • Gewicht: 7,7 kg
  • Produktgruppe: Bremsanlage
  • Produkttyp: Bremsscheibe

Sport Bremsscheiben Toyota Avensis T25 2.2 D 4D Cat 295x26mm vorne Zimmermann

Zimmermann SPORT Bremsscheiben Satz TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.0/2.2D-4D vorne

Zimmermann SPORT Bremsscheiben Satz TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.0/2.2D-4D vorne
Zimmermann SPORT Bremsscheiben Satz TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.0/2.2D-4D vorne

Zimmermann SPORT Bremsscheiben Satz TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.0/2.2D-4D vorne
ZIMMERMANN SPORT Z Bremsscheibe. Die Zimmermann Sport Z Bremsscheibe wurde auf Basis der Erfahrungen von Serienfahrzeug-Bremsscheiben in Verbindung mit dem Motorsport entwickelt. Durch die Kombination hochwertiger Gussmaterialien mit einer gelochten Bremsfläche wird eine Optimierung des Bremssystems erzielt. Bremsstaub und Wasser werden permanent abgeführt. Bessere Optik durch Anti-Korrosionsbeschichtung Coat Z. Spürbare Verbesserung der Bremsleistung Ihres Fahrzeuges. Die Ansenkung der Bohrungen dient gleichzeitig als Verschleißanzeiger. Austausch der Originalscheibe 1:1 möglich. Nicht eintragungspflichtig, wenn ABE mitgeliefert wird. Qualität ist ohne Alternative. Produziert nach den Anforderungen und Spezifikationen des Automobil-Herstellers. Die Qualität dieser Ersatzteile ist gleichwertig oder höher als die der Produkte, welche der Automobil-Hersteller unter seiner Marke vertreibt. ATE – 426156 / 426156. BENDIX – 562649BC / 562649BC. BOSCH – 0 986 479 560 / 0986479560. B043.10 / 09B04310. FERODO – DDF1756-1 / DDF17561. HELLA PAGID – 8DD 355 114-281 / 8DD355114281. HERTH+BUSS JAKOPARTS – J3302176 / J3302176. JAPANPARTS – DI-2016 / DI2016. JURID – 562649JC / 562649JC. METZGER – 61121.10 / 6112110. MEYLE – 30-15 521 0064 / 30155210064. MEYLE – 30-15 521 0064/PD / 30155210064PD. OPTIMAL – BS-8880 / BS8880. TEXTAR – 92163900 / 92163900. TEXTAR – 92163903 / 92163903. TOYOTA – 43512-0F030 / 435120F030. TRW – DF4939S / DF4939S. VALEO – 197187 / 197187. ZIMMERMANN – 590.2597.00 / 590259700. ZIMMERMANN – 590.2597.20 / 590259720. ZIMMERMANN – 590.2597.50 / 590259750. ZIMMERMANN – 590.2597.52 / 590259752. Kostenlos & schnell per DHL / DPD. Wir beraten Sie gerne! Otto Zimmermann “COAT Z” Sport Bremsscheiben Satz. Hohe Verfügbarkeit Niedrige Versandkosten 1 Monat Rückgaberecht. Lochkreis-Ø 1 [mm]: 114,3. Höhe [mm]: 49,2. Mindestdicke [mm]: 23,0. Gewicht[kg]: 7,9. DHL, DPD, DPD Express oder Spedition. WS03 210 01110 341BP. Powered by Speed4Trade GmbH. The item “Zimmermann SPORT Bremsscheiben Satz TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.0/2.2D-4D vorne” is in sale since Tuesday, February 14, 2017. This item is in the category “Auto & Motorrad\ Teile\Auto-Ersatz- & -Reparaturteile\Bremsenteile\Bremsscheiben”. The seller is “ws-autoteile” and is located in Minden. This item can be shipped to all countries in Europe.
  • Hersteller: ZIMMERMANN
  • Herstellernummer: 590.2597.52, 590259752
  • EAN: Nicht zutreffend
  • Referenznummer(n) OE: Bremsscheibe, Bremsscheiben, Bremscheibensatz
  • Referenznummer(n) OEM: Bremsscheibe, Bremsscheiben, Bremscheibensatz
  • Herstellungsland und -region: Deutschland
  • Einbauposition: Vorne
  • Produkttyp: Bremsscheiben
  • Produktgruppe: Bremssystem

Zimmermann SPORT Bremsscheiben Satz TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.0/2.2D-4D vorne

2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport

2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport

2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport 72500mil. CAT S Wide Colour Screen SAT/NAV, REVERSE CAMERA, Cruise Control, Multi Function Steering Wheel, 6 Speed, Blue Tooth, 17” Alloy Wheels, 1 Company Owned, Full Service History, 17in Alloy Wheels, 8in HMI Touch Screen, Alarm System, Auto Air-Conditioning, Bluetooth, Combimeters with Colour TFT Screen, Cruise Control, DAB Radio, Full Power Windows, Green Tempered Glass, Hill Start Assist, Radio with iPod/AUX Connectivity, Rain Sensor, Reversing Camera, Start/Stop System, Toyota Touch 2 with Go Navigation, Tyre Pressure Control. The item “2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport” is in sale since Friday, November 1, 2019. This item is in the category “Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles\Cars\Toyota”. The seller is “bart1910″ and is located in Huddersfield. This item can be shipped to United Kingdom, United States, Australia.
  • Year: 2016
  • Manufacturer: Toyota
  • Model: Avensis
  • Body Type: Estate
  • Doors: 5
  • Colour: WHITE
  • Reg. Date: 19700117
  • Fuel: Diesel
  • Engine Size: 1598.0
  • Previous owners (excl. current): 2
  • Reg. Mark: **16 *** Get the Vehicle Status Report VSR

2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport

2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport

2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport

2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport
2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport 72500mil. CAT S Wide Colour Screen SAT/NAV, REVERSE CAMERA, Cruise Control, Multi Function Steering Wheel, 6 Speed, Blue Tooth, 17” Alloy Wheels, 1 Company Owned, Full Service History, 17in Alloy Wheels, 8in HMI Touch Screen, Alarm System, Auto Air-Conditioning, Bluetooth, Combimeters with Colour TFT Screen, Cruise Control, DAB Radio, Full Power Windows, Green Tempered Glass, Hill Start Assist, Radio with iPod/AUX Connectivity, Rain Sensor, Reversing Camera, Start/Stop System, Toyota Touch 2 with Go Navigation, Tyre Pressure Control. The item “2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport” is in sale since Friday, October 4, 2019. This item is in the category “Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles\Cars\Toyota”. The seller is “bart1910″ and is located in Huddersfield. This item can be shipped to United Kingdom, United States, Australia.
  • Year: 2016
  • Manufacturer: Toyota
  • Model: Avensis
  • Body Type: Estate
  • Doors: 5
  • Colour: WHITE
  • Reg. Date: 19700117
  • Fuel: Diesel
  • Engine Size: 1598.0
  • Previous owners (excl. current): 2
  • Reg. Mark: **16 *** Get the Vehicle Status Report VSR

2016 TOYOTA AVENSIS 1.6 D-4D Business Edition Touring sport