Contattaci per ogni problema. Sempre a tua disposizione. I feedback parlano per noi. KIT CINGHIA DISTRIBUZIONE + POMPA ACQUA INA TOYOTA COROLLA 2.0 D-4D KW:66 dal 00>01. ULTERIORI INFORMAZIONI sul Kit distribuzione con Pompa Acqua. TOYOTA COROLLA 2.0 D-4D. Articolo complementare/Info integrativa 2. Con ammortizzatore serraggio, Rullo tenditore. Maggiori Foto se disponibili. Hai dubbi se è il prodotto è adatto a te? Inviaci i dati del tuo veicolo e ti comunicheremo se è compatibile. Ti da l’effettiva compatibilità dell’oggetto. Inviaci il telaio/targa della tua auto, un nostro esperto ti garantirà la compatibiltà dell’oggetto da te acquistato. Se effettuerai i tuoi ordini. Dopo le ore 13.00. Il prodotto verrà spedito il giorno seguente. Prima ordini, prima ricevi. Riusciamo a garantirti la correttezza e certezza del prodotto da te acquistato. Chiamaci o contattaci chiedendo la compatibilità del prodotto. Sarai sicuro di non sbagliare! Inviaci i dati segnati sul libretto e l’articolo di tuo interesse, controlleremo per te. La spedizione avverrà per mezzo del Corriere Espresso nei tempi indicati subito sotto al prezzo dell’articolo, esclusi i giorni pre-festivi e festivi. Trascorse 72 ore dalla data di spedizione, per informazioni o in caso di problemi, contatti direttamente il corriere fornendo il numero di spedizione ricevuto o contatti direttamente la nostra Assistenza Clienti dove un operatore sarà a sua completa disposizione. NOTA BENE: Alla consegna, è opportuno accettare e firmare apponendo sulla bolla la dicitura “si accetta con riserva di controllo” + motivazione es verifica integrità, vetro rotto, ecc. É possibile acquistare anche con Contrassegno Contanti aggiungendo un supplemento al totale dell’ordine.

For Toyota Avensis Corolla Verso 2.0 2.2 D-4d D Fuel Pump Suction Control Valve

For Toyota Avensis Corolla Verso 2.0 2.2 D-4d D Fuel Pump Suction Control Valve
For Toyota Avensis Corolla Verso 2.0 2.2 D-4d D Fuel Pump Suction Control Valve
For Toyota Avensis Corolla Verso 2.0 2.2 D-4d D Fuel Pump Suction Control Valve
For Toyota Avensis Corolla Verso 2.0 2.2 D-4d D Fuel Pump Suction Control Valve
For Toyota Avensis Corolla Verso 2.0 2.2 D-4d D Fuel Pump Suction Control Valve
For Toyota Avensis Corolla Verso 2.0 2.2 D-4d D Fuel Pump Suction Control Valve
For Toyota Avensis Corolla Verso 2.0 2.2 D-4d D Fuel Pump Suction Control Valve
For Toyota Avensis Corolla Verso 2.0 2.2 D-4d D Fuel Pump Suction Control Valve
For Toyota Avensis Corolla Verso 2.0 2.2 D-4d D Fuel Pump Suction Control Valve
For Toyota Avensis Corolla Verso 2.0 2.2 D-4d D Fuel Pump Suction Control Valve
For Toyota Avensis Corolla Verso 2.0 2.2 D-4d D Fuel Pump Suction Control Valve
For Toyota Avensis Corolla Verso 2.0 2.2 D-4d D Fuel Pump Suction Control Valve

For Toyota Avensis Corolla Verso 2.0 2.2 D-4d D Fuel Pump Suction Control Valve
DIESEL FUEL PUMP PRESSURE REGULATOR SUCTION CONTROL VALVE. BOTH VALVES ARE LOCATED AT THE BACK OF THE FUEL PUMP. BRAND NEW & BOXED. EASY INSTALL – DIRECT REPLACEMENT. NISSAN ALMERA II (N16) 2.2 dCi. NISSAN ALMERA TINO (V10) 2.2 dCi & Di. ESPACE IV (JK0/1_) 3.0 dCi 2002-ON. VEL SATIS (BJ0_) 3.0 dCi 2002-ON. 9-5 (YS3E) 3.0 TiD 1998. TOYOTA HILUX III 3.0 D-4D. Please check OEM number, vehicle, and pictures match to be sure of fitment. UK STOCK – SAME DAY DISPATCH. Ready to be dispatched Royal M`ail 1st Class Signed For the same day (Guaranteed if ordered before 1pm). Listing and template services provided by inkFrog.
For Toyota Avensis Corolla Verso 2.0 2.2 D-4d D Fuel Pump Suction Control Valve

X2 Pcs Front Brake Disc Rotos X2 Pcs Set 590.2581.20 Zimmermann I

X2 Pcs Front Brake Disc Rotos X2 Pcs Set 590.2581.20 Zimmermann I
X2 Pcs Front Brake Disc Rotos X2 Pcs Set 590.2581.20 Zimmermann I
X2 Pcs Front Brake Disc Rotos X2 Pcs Set 590.2581.20 Zimmermann I

X2 Pcs Front Brake Disc Rotos X2 Pcs Set 590.2581.20 Zimmermann I
If you doubt that this part will fit you car, send us your UK car registration plate number, or VIN (Chassis) number and we will direct you to the rightpart! X2 PCS FRONT BRAKE DISC ROTOS X2 PCS SET 590.2581.20 ZIMMERMANN I. We do our best to list items with as many details as possible. So please check our details match yours and ask a question if you`re not sure. So please always double check that the item you are looking at is identical and the measurements in the description are the same as the one you require. We will get back to you as soon as possible in 1-2 working hours and in 24 hours during the weekend. You will be contacted prior to dispatch to advise you of this charge.
X2 Pcs Front Brake Disc Rotos X2 Pcs Set 590.2581.20 Zimmermann I



AGRVENTIL FÜR TOYOTA COROLLA/Verso AVENSIS/Kombi RAV/4/III/VANGUARD AURIS 2.2L. Alle technischen Daten im Abschnitt zur Beschreibung der Auflistungen stammen aus den technischen Datenbanken der offiziellen Hersteller. Wir empfehlen immer, vor dem Kauf die Passform mit unserem engagierten Support zu überprüfen. Es tut uns leid, Sie darüber zu informieren, aber aufgrund des Virusausbruchs kann es bei Bestellungen mit der “Economyversand” – Methode zu Postverzögerungen und unvorhergesehenen Sperrungen kommen. Um sicherzustellen, dass diese Situation Ihr Einkaufserlebnis nicht beeinträchtigt, empfehlen wir Ihnen, unsere “Expressversand” – Optionen zu beachten, da diese derzeit ohne irgendein Einschränkungen funktionieren. Danke für Ihr Verständnis. COROLLA Verso (ZER_, ZZE12_, R1_). 2.2 D-4D (AUR10_). 2.2 D-4D (ADT251_). 2.2 D-CAT (ADT251_). RAV 4 III (_A3_). 2.2 D 4WD (ALA30_). RAV 4 / VANGUARD III (_A3_). 2.0 D-4D (ADT250_). 2.2 D (ADE157_, ADE151_). 2.0 D-4D (ADE150_). Lieferung mit Trackingnummer betragt normalerweise 4-7 Werktage nach Europa. DHL Lieferung ist moglich. Sie können die YMM-Kompatibilitätstabelle verwenden, aber wir möchten Ihre Aufmerksamkeit darauf richten, dass sie nur als allgemeine Richtlinie erstellt wurde. Wenn Sie Zweifel, Fragen zur Ausstattung oder andere Wünsche haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an den technischen Support von Elart. Es ist äußerst wichtig, bei Ihrer Anfrage den VIN-Code und detaillierte Fahrzeuginformationen anzugeben, da es für Ihre fahrzeugspezifischen technischen Merkmale verschiedene Optionen geben kann. Die Fahrgestellnummer 17-stellige Nummer (Ziffern und Großbuchstaben) finden Sie auf dem Armaturenbrett auf der Fahrerseite des Fahrzeugs oder auf der Fahrertür und auf dem Türpfosten. Wenn der Bestellort (Produkte werden an versendet) vom Versanddienstleister als “entfernter Ort” deklariert wird, können wir Sie für eine zusätzliche feste Gebühr von 10 GBP kontaktieren. Falls der Artikel an Ihre alte oder ungultige Adresse geliefert oder als nicht abgeholt zuruckgegeben wird, erstatten wir Ihnen nur die Artikelkosten. Wir versenden nicht an APO/FPO/PO Boxen oder Militaradressen. Die per Kurier gelieferten Verpackungen erfordern eine Unterschrift des Empfangers. Wenn die Versandkosten in Ihre Region nicht zu sehen sind, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte fur weitere Instruktionen. Beachten Sie bitte, dass abhangig von Ihrer geographischen Lage, nicht alle Versandoptionen moglich sind. Fur manche Regionen ist der minimale Aufschlag fur Lieferung per Kurier erforderlich. Wahrend Feiertage kann die Lieferzeit langer dauern. Die internationalen Kunden au? Erhalb EU sind dafur zustandig, alle Zollgebuhren, Abgaben, Steuern sowie Maklergebuhren dem Kurier oder der Regierung zu zahlen. Wenn Sie unsere Hilfe brauchen, stehen wir Ihnen zur Verfugung. Zu Ihrer Aufmerksamkeit: Aus Litauen versandte Artikel. Die EU Kunden zahlen keine Zollgebuhren, Abgaben, Steuern sowie Maklergebuhren. Das Unternehmen behalt sich vor, Zustellmethoden zu andern, wenn die umstehenden Bedingungen vom Unternehmen nicht abhangen, z. Krieg, uberschwerer Artikel, Standardort ist fur Kurier schwer zu erreichen u. Wenn Sie sehen, dass per Kurier gelieferte Verpackung beschadigt ist, fullen Sie bitte das Beschwerdeformular aus oder nehmen Sie das Packet nicht an. Informieren Sie uns bitte sofort und wir werden den Ersatz/ die Ruckerstattung sofort wie moglich veranlassen. Wir akzeptieren gerne ihre Ruckgabe innerhalb 30 Tagen nach dem Einkauf. Die Artikel mussen im neuen, unbenutzten Zustand ohne Anzeichen von Installation zuruckgegeben werden und mussen alle Originalmaterialien enthalten (sofern enthalten). Vor der Ruckerstattung werden die zuruckgegebenen Artikel erst uberpruft. Die Versandkosten sind nicht erstattungsfahig, es sei denn der Artikel Defekt hat. Bitte beachten Sie, dass, wenn der Artikel ohne unseren Fehler zurückgesandt wird der Käufer hat die Ausstattung nicht mit unserem Team überprüft, ohne Hilfe ausgewählt, die technischen Daten nicht beachtet usw. , der ursprüngliche Versandbetrag von der Postunternehmen werden von der Gesamtrückerstattung abgezogen, um den Artikel an die Käuferseite zu senden. Wir möchten Sie darauf aufmerksam machen, dass bei einer Rücksendung des Pakets, das seitdem abgelehnt oder nicht beansprucht wurde, nur eine Option zum erneuten Versand angeboten wird. Diese Option funktioniert 30 Tage, nachdem der Kundendienst-Support Sie kontaktiert hat. Wir tragen keine Rucksendekosten aus folgenden Grunden: nicht passt, entspricht nicht der Beschreibung und den Bildern, nicht funktioniert oder hat einen Defekt, wenn Sie keine Fragen vor dem Kauf an uns gestellt haben und keine VIN-Nummer gesendet haben, um Kompatibilitat des Artikels zu prufen. Die ruckgegebenen Artikel mussen in Uberverpackung geschickt werden, um die Beschadigung der Originalverpackung zu vermeiden. Artikel im beschadigten Zustand werden nicht akzeptiert. Artikel, die im Vakuum-oder Schmierfilm geschickt werden, darf man nicht offnen, falls die Ruckgabe angefragt wurde. Bestellungen, die nicht erstattungsfahig sind. Sobald wir Ihre Bestellung erhalten haben, wird die positive Bewertung Ihnen automatisch gesendet. Lassen Sie uns bitte wissen, falls Sie das Feedback von uns nicht erhalten haben. Wir werden sofort antworten. Wir freuen uns auch sehr, wenn Sie uns eine positive Bewertung mit 5 Sternen geben. Sind Sie der Meinung, dass wir eine neutrale oder negative Bewertung verdienen, setzen Sie bitte mit uns in Verbindung, bevor Sie das Feedback schreiben. Geben Sie uns bitte die Gelegenheit, alles richtig zu machen und den positiven Eindruck an Sie zu hinterlassen. Um Ihr Online-Shopping-Erlebnis so einfach wie moglich zu gestalten, steht Ihnen unser Kundensupport-Team zur Verfugung, das Ihnen gerne hilft, das passende Teil fur ihr Auto zu finden oder Sie bei anderen Fragen und Schwierigkeiten zu unterstutzen. Sie erreichen uns von Montag bis Freitag zwischen 8:00 und 17:00 Uhr(+2 GTM). Wir setzen uns mit Ihnen in Verbindung so schnell wie moglich, auf jeden Fall innerhalb von 24 Stunden au? Er Litauen und weltweit. Unser Hauptziel ist es, ein perfektes Kundenservice anzubieten.

BREMBO Rear BRAKE DISCS + PADS SET for TOYOTA AVENSIS Liftback 2.0 D4D 1999-2003

BREMBO Rear BRAKE DISCS + PADS SET for TOYOTA AVENSIS Liftback 2.0 D4D 1999-2003
BREMBO Rear BRAKE DISCS + PADS SET for TOYOTA AVENSIS Liftback 2.0 D4D 1999-2003
BREMBO Rear BRAKE DISCS + PADS SET for TOYOTA AVENSIS Liftback 2.0 D4D 1999-2003
BREMBO Rear BRAKE DISCS + PADS SET for TOYOTA AVENSIS Liftback 2.0 D4D 1999-2003
BREMBO Rear BRAKE DISCS + PADS SET for TOYOTA AVENSIS Liftback 2.0 D4D 1999-2003
BREMBO Rear BRAKE DISCS + PADS SET for TOYOTA AVENSIS Liftback 2.0 D4D 1999-2003
BREMBO Rear BRAKE DISCS + PADS SET for TOYOTA AVENSIS Liftback 2.0 D4D 1999-2003
BREMBO Rear BRAKE DISCS + PADS SET for TOYOTA AVENSIS Liftback 2.0 D4D 1999-2003

BREMBO Rear BRAKE DISCS + PADS SET for TOYOTA AVENSIS Liftback 2.0 D4D 1999-2003
A-Z MOTOR SPARES (S-o-T) LTD. Vehicle Registration Number OR VIN / Chassis Number. BREMBO Rear Axle SOLID BRAKE DISCS 271 mm Diam. + BRAKE PADS Kit. Please Provide UK Reg or FULL VIN / Chassis No. Full Vehicle Specification Is Needed to Check/Confirm Fitment. BRAKE DISC SOLID / VENTED. HEIGHT : 60.7 mm. BRAKE DISC No of HOLES. No of HOLES : 5 Holes. Brembo – The Perfect Spare Part for Every Vehicle. Brembo offers every vehicle the quality and performance of a global leader in braking systems. The high level of technology and the company’s vast experience producing systems for major car manufacturers, combined with complete control of the production process, allows Brembo to provide the widest and most reliable range of spare parts, covering more than 96% of the vehicles on the road today. Brembo also means consistent quality of every component and an excellent after-sale service. A road tested choice for all cars! All payments must be received before items are sent. Our deliveries are Monday – Friday and are usually before 3pm. We post world wide and use different courier services. You may change your mind and cancel part or all of your order with us at any time up to 30 days. All items must be in original packaging, must not have been fitted or used in any way any evidence to the contrary. You are obliged to take reasonable care of the item whilst in your possession.
BREMBO Rear BRAKE DISCS + PADS SET for TOYOTA AVENSIS Liftback 2.0 D4D 1999-2003

6763905070 rear door trim lh for TOYOTA AVENSIS SEDAN 2.0 D-4D 2008 5290438

6763905070 rear door trim lh for TOYOTA AVENSIS SEDAN 2.0 D-4D 2008 5290438
6763905070 rear door trim lh for TOYOTA AVENSIS SEDAN 2.0 D-4D 2008 5290438

6763905070 rear door trim lh for TOYOTA AVENSIS SEDAN 2.0 D-4D 2008 5290438
6763905070 rear door trim lh for TOYOTA AVENSIS SEDAN 2.0 D-4D 2008 5290438. Rear door trim lh for TOYOTA AVENSIS SEDAN 2.0 D-4D (WWT271_) N47C20A 2008. This part corresponds to a left-hand-drive model. For large cubic parts such as bonnets, motors, fins or oversized parts. This item is going to be sent out ot the European Union considering it as an extra-community exportation. Otherwise, it will be invoiced as a receipt or simplified invoice, and changes can’t be made afterwards. Do you want us to make sure that this part fits your vehicle? We can check it! Just send us a picture of the technical data sheet and/or the reference of your part. ¿Quieres que te aseguremos que esta pieza corresponde a tu vehículo? Solo tienes que enviarnos una fotografía de la ficha técnica y/o la referencia de tu pieza. Voulez-vous que nous nous assurions que cette pièce conviendra à votre véhicule? Nous pouvons le vérifier! Il vous suffit de nous envoyer une photo de la fiche technique et/ou la référence de votre pièce. Möchten Sie, dass wir sicherstellen, dass dieses Teil Ihrem Fahrzeug entspricht? Wir können es überprüfen! Sie müssen uns lediglich ein Foto des technischen Datenblatts und/oder der Referenz Ihres Stücks zusenden. Vuoi che ci assicuriamo che questa parte sia adatta al tuo veicolo? Tutto quello che devi fare è inviarci una foto della scheda tecnica e/o il riferimento del tuo pezzo. Chcesz, zebysmy sie upewnili, ze ta czesc bedzie pasowac do Twojego pojazdu? Wszystko, co musisz zrobic, to przeslac nam zdjecie karty technicznej i/lub numer referencyjny swojego produktu. Quer que tenhamos certeza de que esta peça corresponde ao seu veículo? Basta enviar-nos uma fotografia da ficha técnica e/ou da referência da sua peça. The date of sale According to art. 102 to 105 of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007. If the part is within the period and conditions of the guarantee and is defective, we will If the part is faulty, we will offer you another one, and if we do not have it in stock, we will reimburse you for the cost of the part read anex1. Melli Scrapyards CAT Sierra Verde S. L with CIF B06924435 and fiscal address at Road Seville – Lisbon (Crossroads Valdelarco) 21291 Galaroza (Huelva) offers its customers the guarantee legally established for used spare parts. See exceptions in section specific guarantees. Provided that the spare part is installed in authorised workshops in accordance with the law in force. Expenses of stay in the workshop, travel, towing, operating losses and other expenses arising other costs resulting from a possible stoppage of the vehicle. Quality of the product. Damage caused by transport, impact or atmospheric phenomena, or any other cause of force majeure not attributable to the any other cause of force majeure not attributable to the condition and quality of the product. In the event of damage caused by transport, you must inform us directly within 24 hours. Within a period not exceeding 24 hours. Normal wear and tear parts derived from the use of the vehicle tyres, light bulbs, discs, clutches, batteries, brake pads, etc. , bulbs, discs, clutches, batteries, brake pads, etc. Repairs or installations carried out once the non-conformity with the product has become apparent, or those carried out when there is a defect of origin and non-conformity with the product or those carried out when there is a defect of origin and without the without the aforementioned non-conformity having been previously expressed. Assembly and disassembly labour. Maintenance or adjustment operations, as well as periodic inspections, shall be carried out by the periodical checks. Paint damage or damage to the paintwork which is not serious and which is the result of normal use, as these are used parts. Normal wear and tear, as these are used parts. Parts that have undergone part changes, erasures, broken seals or markings. If you are not satisfied with any or all of the specifications in this document, please return the unopened this document, please return the material to us unopened and unsealed. Without removing any seal. To this effect and as proof of conformity, having read and approved it, the customer accepts it. Approved, the customer accepts it. All our engines and gearboxes have. And no other period within which it circumscribes for legal purposes. This period must be specified on the sales invoice. Only the main part of the engine comprising the cylinder head and block and its inner working parts are internal working parts. Excluded are external parts which are mounted on the engine, e. Injector body mounted on the engine, e. The injector body, injectors, glow plugs, spark plugs, belts, hoses, distributor and ignition coils belts, hoses, distributor and ignition coils, water pump, thermostat, engine flywheel, clutch, turbocharger clutch, turbocharger, intake and exhaust manifolds, different radiators, depressor radiators, depressor, fan, various sensors and electrical installations. For the correct processing of the guarantee it is compulsory that a change of the timing kit, replacement of the water pump and thermostats is the water pump and thermostats, and that this change is accredited by means of an official invoice from an Authorised Workshop. Due to the fragility of their fragility of their components, they can only be damaged when installed in a vehicle, in the event, for example, that the vehicle suffers a short circuit. The control units can store the history of the vehicle from which it has been dismantled, so a reset (deletion of stored data) is necessary for reuse. For its reuse it is necessary to reset (deletion of stored data) and dump the data of the vehicle to be repaired. And data dump of the vehicle to be repaired. Incorrect replacement may result in the control unit to be used being rendered unusable. And should therefore only be fitted by professionals. You must keep the original packaging of the part. However, if the guarantee or return of conformity is applicable to the reshipped product, the customer shall be reimbursed for all the costs related to this return shall be reimbursed to the customer. 48H from the reception of the defective part in our facilities.
6763905070 rear door trim lh for TOYOTA AVENSIS SEDAN 2.0 D-4D 2008 5290438

07b31424 Front Pads For Avensis Estate (t22) 2.0 D-4d (cdt220) 81kw 10/99-02/03

07b31424 Front Pads For Avensis Estate (t22) 2.0 D-4d (cdt220) 81kw 10/99-02/03
07b31424 Front Pads For Avensis Estate (t22) 2.0 D-4d (cdt220) 81kw 10/99-02/03
07b31424 Front Pads For Avensis Estate (t22) 2.0 D-4d (cdt220) 81kw 10/99-02/03

07b31424 Front Pads For Avensis Estate (t22) 2.0 D-4d (cdt220) 81kw 10/99-02/03
BREMBO FRONT BRAKE PADS KIT TOYOTA AVENSIS ESTATE (_T22_) 2.0 D-4D (CDT220_) 81 KW 10/99 – 02/03. “HP2″ FRONT BREMBO BRAKE PADS KIT. This kit will replace all the original pads on the side indicated, we advise you to check the measurements (see photo). Specific only for vehicles from 01/2000 to 07/2001 with rear brake discs. The Brembo Sport HP2 pads have been designed and tested for mainly road sports use, they constitute the first level of upgrade for any braking system. It is a product intended for motorists with sporting ambitions and, more generally, for all those who wish to make the most of their car. These pads stand out for their construction qualities and the use of cutting-edge materials that only Brembo can guarantee. They offer excellent performance even without pre-heating and at low speeds, thanks to a specific material that ensures constant friction throughout the temperature range. It is a material that, in addition to offering better performance, ensures excellent silence and a low level of wear on both the disc and the pad itself. The Brembo Sport pads are also distinguished by a high degree of modularity of the pedal, which allows total control of the braking action. They work best in temperatures between 200 and 300 degrees, but are able to withstand much higher temperatures, up to 600 degrees, and are designed to ensure excellent performance while maintaining an adequate level of comfort. They are therefore the most suitable brake pads for motorists who always require the best in braking, even in daily use. NB: The picture is only indicative. Tipologia – Brembo pastiglie Produttore Compatibile – FOR TOYOTA. The choose of the courier is at costumer discretion that he can freely indicate the courier he wants to use, the items is available at the WRS headquarters. To increase the service the WRS is a partner of the following couriers. The sale is assisted by guarantees for faults and defects required by law. 53 of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n. For written confirmation of all the contractual conditions as well as further information in the Article 53 of Legislative Decree 206/2005. READ THE LEGISLATIVE DECREE. Born from the experience of professionals of the sector who have made their passion a work, selecting the most prestigious brands currently available on the market. WRS also provides technical advice to produce the best combinations for your auto.
07b31424 Front Pads For Avensis Estate (t22) 2.0 D-4d (cdt220) 81kw 10/99-02/03

Right Shock Absorber Fits Toyota Avensis Saloon 2.0 D-4d /1.6 /1.8 /2.0 /2.2

Right Shock Absorber Fits Toyota Avensis Saloon 2.0 D-4d /1.6 /1.8 /2.0 /2.2
Right Shock Absorber Fits Toyota Avensis Saloon 2.0 D-4d /1.6 /1.8 /2.0 /2.2
Right Shock Absorber Fits Toyota Avensis Saloon 2.0 D-4d /1.6 /1.8 /2.0 /2.2

Right Shock Absorber Fits Toyota Avensis Saloon 2.0 D-4d /1.6 /1.8 /2.0 /2.2
If you doubt that this part will fit you car, send us your UK car registration plate number, or VIN (Chassis) number and we will direct you to the rightpart! RIGHT SHOCK ABSORBER FITS: TOYOTA AVENSIS SALOON 2.0 D-4D /1.6 /1.8 /2.0 /2.2 D-4D. Shock Absorber Mounting Type. For vehicles with standard suspension. We do our best to list items with as many details as possible. So please check our details match yours and ask a question if you`re not sure. So please always double check that the item you are looking at is identical and the measurements in the description are the same as the one you require. We will get back to you as soon as possible in 1-2 working hours and in 24 hours during the weekend. You will be contacted prior to dispatch to advise you of this charge.
Right Shock Absorber Fits Toyota Avensis Saloon 2.0 D-4d /1.6 /1.8 /2.0 /2.2

8870305331 air conditioning pipes for TOYOTA AVENSIS 2.0 D-4D (ADT250) 1962218

8870305331 air conditioning pipes for TOYOTA AVENSIS 2.0 D-4D (ADT250) 1962218
8870305331 air conditioning pipes for TOYOTA AVENSIS 2.0 D-4D (ADT250) 1962218
8870305331 air conditioning pipes for TOYOTA AVENSIS 2.0 D-4D (ADT250) 1962218

8870305331 air conditioning pipes for TOYOTA AVENSIS 2.0 D-4D (ADT250) 1962218
8870305331 air conditioning pipes for TOYOTA AVENSIS 2.0 D-4D (ADT250) 1962218. Air conditioning pipes for TOYOTA AVENSIS 2.0 D-4D (ADT250_) 2006. For large cubic parts such as bonnets, motors, fins or oversized parts. This part corresponds to a left-hand-drive model. This item is going to be sent out ot the European Union considering it as an extra-community exportation. Do you want us to make sure that this part fits your vehicle? We can check it! Just send us a picture of the technical data sheet and/or the reference of your part. ¿Quieres que te aseguremos que esta pieza corresponde a tu vehículo? Solo tienes que enviarnos una fotografía de la ficha técnica y/o la referencia de tu pieza. Voulez-vous que nous nous assurions que cette pièce conviendra à votre véhicule? Nous pouvons le vérifier! Il vous suffit de nous envoyer une photo de la fiche technique et/ou la référence de votre pièce. Möchten Sie, dass wir sicherstellen, dass dieses Teil Ihrem Fahrzeug entspricht? Wir können es überprüfen! Sie müssen uns lediglich ein Foto des technischen Datenblatts und/oder der Referenz Ihres Stücks zusenden. Vuoi che ci assicuriamo che questa parte sia adatta al tuo veicolo? Tutto quello che devi fare è inviarci una foto della scheda tecnica e/o il riferimento del tuo pezzo. Chcesz, zebysmy sie upewnili, ze ta czesc bedzie pasowac do Twojego pojazdu? Wszystko, co musisz zrobic, to przeslac nam zdjecie karty technicznej i/lub numer referencyjny swojego produktu. Quer que tenhamos certeza de que esta peça corresponde ao seu veículo? Basta enviar-nos uma fotografia da ficha técnica e/ou da referência da sua peça. Desguaces Logroño offers its customers, except for control units or electronic components, and the minimum term of 1 year of guarantee according to the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 will be subject to what is accepted in the guarantee books according to type of material. If the part is not defective, it will deliver a voucher worth the same exchangeable in parts in stock. According to Art 18 RD 782/98 development of Law 11/97 on Packaging and Packaging Waste. To make such a return you should know that. The product must be in perfect condition and in its original packaging. The product must not have been mounted on the vehicle.
8870305331 air conditioning pipes for TOYOTA AVENSIS 2.0 D-4D (ADT250) 1962218