2005 Toyota Avensis T25 Corolla Verso ZER 2,0 D4D Diesel Motor 1CDFTV 1CD-FTV

2005 Toyota Avensis T25 Corolla Verso ZER 2,0 D4D Diesel Motor 1CDFTV 1CD-FTV

2005 Toyota Avensis T25 Corolla Verso ZER 2,0 D4D Diesel Motor 1CDFTV 1CD-FTV
Gebrauchte Motoren, Getriebe und Anbauteile. Top Qualität und Top Service. Die AWS GmbH ist ein seit 1999 etablierter Familienbetrieb mit 17 Mitarbeitern. Wir überholen und verkaufen gebrauchte Motoren, Getriebe und Anbauteile der gängigen PkW-Hersteller, aber auch einiger exklusiverer Marken. Entscheiden Sie sich für Qualität. Sie werden die Vorteile viele tausend Kilometer lang erfahren können! 2005 Toyota Avensis T25 Corolla Verso ZER 2,0 D4D Diesel Motor 1CDFTV 1CD-FTV. Avensis T25, Corolla Verso ZER. Geeignet für Schaltgetriebe und Automatikgetriebe. Der oben angebotene Motor wird im Austausch verkauft, das bedeutet wenn der alte Motor nicht bzw. Erst nach Umbau abgegeben wird, wird zusätzlich ein Pfand in höhe von 400.00,- Euro fällig. Um Versandkosten zu sparen, bieten wir ihnen die Möglichkeit das Altteil gleichzeitig bei Anlieferung mitzugeben!! Sollte das Altteil zum Zeitpunkt der Anlieferung nicht ausgebaut sein, müssen Sie das Altteil auf ihre Kosten zu uns zurückschicken. Welchen Schaden der Altmotor hat ist für uns nicht relevant, wichtig ist nur das der Motor komplett ist! Das Altteilpfand wird ihnen nach erhalt des Altteils entweder überwiesen oder Bar ausgezahlt! Abholservice und Motoreinbau zum Festpreis! Unser optionales Angebot zum Motor. Der Einbau in unserer. Und das zum Festpreis!! Fahrzeugabholung durch ein Abschleppfahrzeung und das Bundesweit. Abholung im Ausland ist gegen Aufpreis natürlich auch möglich. Dieses Angebot beinhaltet zusätzlich, den Motor, die komplette Umbauarbeit inkl. Der Demontage sowie Montage aller Anbauteile. Das Komplettpaket bieten wir ihnen schon für 3199.00,- Euro an. Wir geben auf unsere Arbeit eine. Sie möchten lieber ihren eigenen Motor instandsetzen lassen, anstatt ihn auszutauschen?? Wir haben uns ebenfalls auf Motoreninstandsetzung spezialisiert!! Folgende Arbeiten führen wir direkt in unserem Hause durch. Zerlegen und Montage des Motorblocks. Prüfung des Motorblocks auf Planheit und Verzug. Prüfung der Zylinder auf Verschleiß und Rundheit. Bohren und Honen von Zylindern. Schleifen der Zylinder auf Maß. Vermessen der Hauptlagergassen auf Rundheit. Prüfung der Pleuelstangengrundbohrung auf Maßhaltigkeit und Winkeligkeit. Prüfung der Kolben und Lager auf Verschleiß. Erneuern von trockenen und nassen Laufbuchsen. Setzen von neuen Grundbohrungen für Übermaßbuchsen. Instandsetzung von Gewinden (Helicoil). Einsetzen von Hülsen verschiedener Art (Durchmesser und Steigung). Chemische und meschanische Reinigung von Motorblöcken. Prüfen der Kurbelwelle auf Risse, Schlag und Härte. Richten und Schleifen der Kurbelwelle. Zerlegen und Montage von Zylinderköpfen. Prüfung auf Risse (abdrücken). Ausbohren und erneuern von Glühkerzen und Stehbolzen. Aufschweißen und Nacharbeiten von Dichtflächen. Fachgerechte Reinigung des Zylinderkopfes. Prüfen der Nockenwellen auf Verschleiß. Richten, Schleifen, Nächhärten und Erneuern von Nockenwellen. Auf’m Rottland 5, 57577 Hamm/Sieg. Montag – Freitag 8:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr. AWS GmbH Auf’m Rottland 5 57577 Hamm/Sieg. Öffnungszeiten: Montag – Freitag 8:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr Samstag u. The item “2005 Toyota Avensis T25 Corolla Verso ZER 2,0 D4D Diesel Motor 1CDFTV 1CD-FTV” is in sale since Tuesday, April 2, 2013. This item is in the category “Auto & Motorrad\ Teile\Auto-Ersatz- & -Reparaturteile\Motoren & Motorenteile\Motoren & Getriebe”. The seller is “blaumaenner” and is located in Hamm Sieg. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Hersteller: AWS GmbH
  • Herstellernummer: nicht zutreffend

2005 Toyota Avensis T25 Corolla Verso ZER 2,0 D4D Diesel Motor 1CDFTV 1CD-FTV

1cdftv Motore Imp. Denso Toyota Avensis (t22) 2.0 D- 4d 110cv (2002)

1cdftv Motore Imp. Denso Toyota Avensis (t22) 2.0 D- 4d 110cv (2002)
1cdftv Motore Imp. Denso Toyota Avensis (t22) 2.0 D- 4d 110cv (2002)
1cdftv Motore Imp. Denso Toyota Avensis (t22) 2.0 D- 4d 110cv (2002)
1cdftv Motore Imp. Denso Toyota Avensis (t22) 2.0 D- 4d 110cv (2002)

1cdftv Motore Imp. Denso Toyota Avensis (t22) 2.0 D- 4d 110cv (2002)
DENSO TOYOTA AVENSIS (T22) 2.0 D- 4D 110CV (2002). TOYOTA AVENSIS (T22) 1997>2003. Tutti gli articoli sono provenienti da auto usate, Testati e funzionanti.. Consigliamo però sempre il consulto di un installatore specializzato. MOTORI I MOTORI VENGONO VENDUTI SPROVVISTI DI ORGANI SECONDARI, QUALI: ALTERNATORE, COMPRESSORE A/C, MOTORINO AVVIAMENTO E VOLANO. IL CAMBIO E’ CONSIDERATO ESCLUSO SEMPRE DALLA VENDITA, ANCHE SE PRESENTE PARZIALMENTE IN FOTO. ELETTRONICA I RICAMBI APPARTENENTI ALL’ELETTRONICA DEL VEICOLO POTREBBERO NECESSITARE DI RICODIFICA (ANCHE A PAGAMENTO) PRESSO TECNICI SPECIALIZZATI A VS. NON DISPONIAMO DI CODICI AUTORADIO O CAR PASS, MA E’ POSSIBILE FORNIRE IL TELAIO (VIN) DELL’AUTO DI PROVENIENZA. CARROZZERIA TRATTANDOSI DI RICAMBI USATI, E’ SEMPRE POSSIBILE TROVARE SEGNI DI USURA E GRAFFI OLTRE QUELLI EVIDENZIATI, PER LE CONDIZIONI ATTUALI DELLA PORTA, RICHIEDERLE ESPLICITAMENTE PRIMA DELL’ACQUISTO. ATTENZIONE I RICAMBI VENDUTI SONO QUELLI DI CUI FOTO E CODICE, IN CASO DI ERRATO ACQUISTO, I COSTI DI RESTITUZIONE SONO A VS. RESTIAMO A DISPOSIZIONE ANCHE NEL POST VENDITA! Nel caso di errato acquisto, o di ricambio malfunzionante, CONTATTACI IMMEDIATAMENTE per eseguire la sostituzione Siamo venditori professionali per cui Vi chiediamo sempre di immettere un Feedback positivo a 5 stelle, Un vostro Feedback negativo, potrebbe penalizzarci in vendite future. Il Vostro ordine viene evaso nei due giorni lavorativi successivi al pagamento; avvenuta la presa in carico dal corriere espresso della merce, la consegna avverrà in 24/48h. Nel caso di malfunzionamento del ricambio acquistato, la nostra garanzia comprende: · sostituzione del ricambio con uno equivalente, se disponibile. · ATTENZIONE: per poter accedere alla sostituzione gratuita il ricambio difettoso DEVE essere restituito integro e rimontato in tutte le sue parti come fornito inizialmente (es: se un motore dovesse essere reso completamente smontato o parzialmente smontato non sarà effettuata la sostituzione, o saranno addebitati al cliente i costi di riassemblaggio) · trasporto del ricambio sostitutivo a nostro carico. · nel caso non sia possibile sostituire il ricambio con uno equivalente, è prevista la restituzione del valore acquistato · se non esplicitamente indicato la garanzia è di 30gg dal ricevimento della merce · Alcuni tipi di ricambi sono soggetti a condizioni di garanzia particolari o MOTORI COMPLETI: i motori completi sono quei motori forniti con coppa, monoblocco, testata, iniettori, pompa e dove esistente la turbina (salvo diversa indicazione). Il motore deve essere installato come fornito, qualunque tipo di alterazione, come lo smontaggio della pompa, apertura della testata o della coppa invalideranno la garanzia. Tutte le parti elettriche del motore come alternatore, pompa dello sterzo, compressore aria condizionata o pompa dell’acqua eventualmente presenti sul motore sono da considerarsi accessori gratuiti non soggetti a garanzia. O Cinghie e catene: devono SEMPRE essere acquistate nuove all’installazione del motore. Malfunzionamenti dovuti alla rottura di cinghie o cattive installazioni delle stesse non sono coperti da garanzia. O MOTORI PER MODIFICHE O PROTOTIPI: i motori che vengono acquistati con qualunque scopo/installazione diverso da quello naturale del motore stesso, come ad esempio modifiche per auto da corsa, o adattamento tra versioni compatibili di veicolo non sono soggetti a garanzia o TURBOCOMPRESSORI: la vendita di turbine è sempre associata alle fotografie della stessa. In particolare verrà sempre mostrata l’integrità della chiocciola al fine di dimostrare che prima della spedizione la turbina era funzionante. Qualunque turbina che fosse segnalata non funzionante per danneggiamenti alla chiocciola non saranno coperti da garanzia. O CENTRALINE INIEZIONE: tutte quelle centraline che per essere adattate al veicolo prevedono l’apertura o la disslrdatura di chip della stessa sono acquistate a rischio e pericolo dell’installatore e non coperte da garanzia. O TESTATE MOTORE: le testate sono tutte usate, a meno di indicazioni diverse. Si consiglia sempre di eseguire la prova idraulica della stessa prima di montarla direttamente sul motore. O LAMIERATI: tutti i ricambi sono usati, per cui è sempre possibile trovare segni di usura o graffi ulteriori a quelli evidenziati in foto. · tutto ciò che non è esplicitamente indicato è escluso dalla garanzia. SRL – TORRE DEL GRECO (NA)- P. VIA GIACOMO LEOPARDI, 16 BIS 80059 TORRE DEL GRECO (NA). The item “1CDFTV MOTORE IMP. DENSO TOYOTA AVENSIS (T22) 2.0 D- 4D 110CV (2002)” is in sale since Friday, January 31, 2020. This item is in the category “Auto e moto\ ricambi e accessori\Auto\ ricambi\Motori\Motori completi”. The seller is “ricambibrunotrasferr” and is located in torre del greco. This item can be shipped to all countries in Europe.
  • Marca: TOYOTA
  • Brand: TOYOTA
  • MPN: Non applicabile
  • Codice ricambio originale OE/OEM: 1CDFTV

1cdftv Motore Imp. Denso Toyota Avensis (t22) 2.0 D- 4d 110cv (2002)

Head Gasket Set Fits Toyota Avensis Previa Tarago 2.0 Td D4d 1cdftv 1999-06 Vrs

Head Gasket Set Fits Toyota Avensis Previa Tarago 2.0 Td D4d 1cdftv 1999-06 Vrs

Head Gasket Set Fits Toyota Avensis Previa Tarago 2.0 Td D4d 1cdftv 1999-06 Vrs
AIR FILTER JAPAN/KOREAN DIESEL. BOTTOM END GASKET SETS. FUEL FILTER JAPAN/KOREA DIESEL. FULL ENGINE GASKET SETS. GASKET SETS & BOLTS. HEAD SET VALVES BOLTS. OIL FILTER JAPAN/KOREAN DIESEL. AVENSIS PREVIA 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 99-06 HEAD GASKET SET. HEAD GASKET SET FOR TOYOTA TURBO DIESEL D4D ENGINE 1CD-FTV 1995cc 16V. HEAD GASKET IS MANUFACTURED IN MULTI LAYERED STEEL 1.05mm THICK – AS 2 NOTCH OPTION. AVENSIS 2.0TD D4D 110/115 bhp Chas CDT220 1999-06. CDX, D4D, GLS, GS, S, SR, VERMONT. AVENSIS 2.0TD D4D Chas CDT250 2003-06. T2, TS-3, T3-X, T4, T-Spirit. AVENSIS VERSO 2.0TD 4D4 Chas CLM20 2001-06. COROLLA 2.0TD D4D Chas CDE110 90 bhp 2000-02. COROLLA 2.0TD D4D Chas CDE120 90/110/115 bhp 2001-06. T2, T3, T-Spirit COROLLA VERSO 2.0TD D4D Chas CDE120 2001-04 T2, T3, T-Spirit. COROLLA VERSO 2.0TD 4D4 Chas CUR10 2004-06. PREVIA 2.0TD 4D4 Chas CLR30 2000-06. RAV4 2.0TD D4D Chas CLA20 & CLA21 2001-06. GX, NRG/XT3, VX, XT4, XT5. Deadline for same day dispatch. Monday to Thursday 3.00pm. Upon receipt of your parcel please ensure goods are as ordered and suitable for your needs. HEAD GASKET SET BOLTS TRANSPORTER T4 LT.. HEAD GASKET SET BOLTS FIT FORD PUMA 1.7.. HEAD GASKET SET BOLTS BMW E46 316i 316ti.. HEAD GASKET SET & BOLTS BMW 323i 328i E3… HEAD GASKET SET AND BOLTS KIA SEDONA CAR.. HEAD GASKET SET BOLTS PAJERO SHOGUN MONT.. HEAD GASKET SET BOLTS 16 VALVES CLIO KAN.. HEAD GASKET SET SHOGUN PAJERO MONTERO DE.. HEAD GASKET SET AND BOLTS FITS FIAT PUNT.. The item “HEAD GASKET SET FITS TOYOTA AVENSIS PREVIA TARAGO 2.0 TD D4D 1CDFTV 1999-06 VRS” is in sale since Wednesday, June 22, 2011. This item is in the category “Vehicle Parts & Accessories\Car Parts\Engines & Engine Parts\Gaskets & Seals”. The seller is “shirley9293″ and is located in Cleckheaton. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Manufacturer Part Number: JHS587 BULK + JHG580DU
  • Subtype: Full Gasket Sets
  • Manufacturer: Toyota
  • Model/ Series: Avensis
  • Type: Engines & Components
  • Intended Use: Replacement Part

Head Gasket Set Fits Toyota Avensis Previa Tarago 2.0 Td D4d 1cdftv 1999-06 Vrs

Head Gasket Set Fits Toyota Corolla Rav4 2.0 Td D-4d 1cdftv 2000-06 Vrs

Head Gasket Set Fits Toyota Corolla Rav4 2.0 Td D-4d 1cdftv 2000-06 Vrs

Head Gasket Set Fits Toyota Corolla Rav4 2.0 Td D-4d 1cdftv 2000-06 Vrs
AIR FILTER JAPAN/KOREAN DIESEL. BOTTOM END GASKET SETS. FUEL FILTER JAPAN/KOREA DIESEL. FULL ENGINE GASKET SETS. GASKET SETS & BOLTS. HEAD SET VALVES BOLTS. OIL FILTER JAPAN/KOREAN DIESEL. COROLLA RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 HEAD GASKET SET. HEAD GASKET SET FOR TOYOTA TURBO DIESEL D4D ENGINE 1CD-FTV 1995cc 16V. HEAD GASKET IS MANUFACTURED IN MULTI LAYERED STEEL 1.05mm THICK – AS 2 NOTCH OPTION. AVENSIS 2.0TD D4D 110/115 bhp Chas CDT220 1999-06. CDX, D4D, GLS, GS, S, SR, VERMONT. AVENSIS 2.0TD D4D Chas CDT250 2003-06. T2, TS-3, T3-X, T4, T-Spirit. AVENSIS VERSO 2.0TD 4D4 Chas CLM20 2001-06. COROLLA 2.0TD D4D Chas CDE110 90 bhp 2000-02. COROLLA 2.0TD D4D Chas CDE120 90/110/115 bhp 2001-06. T2, T3, T-Spirit COROLLA VERSO 2.0TD D4D Chas CDE120 2001-04 T2, T3, T-Spirit. COROLLA VERSO 2.0TD 4D4 Chas CUR10 2004-06. PREVIA 2.0TD 4D4 Chas CLR30 2000-06. RAV4 2.0TD D4D Chas CLA20 & CLA21 2001 on. GX, NRG/XT3, VX, XT4, XT5. Deadline for same day dispatch. Monday to Thursday 3.00pm. Upon receipt of your parcel please ensure goods are as ordered and suitable for your needs. HEAD GASKET SET BOLTS TRANSPORTER T4 LT.. HEAD GASKET SET BOLTS FIT FORD PUMA 1.7.. HEAD GASKET SET BOLTS BMW E46 316i 316ti.. HEAD GASKET SET & BOLTS BMW 323i 328i E3… HEAD GASKET SET AND BOLTS KIA SEDONA CAR.. HEAD GASKET SET BOLTS PAJERO SHOGUN MONT.. HEAD GASKET SET BOLTS 16 VALVES CLIO KAN.. HEAD GASKET SET SHOGUN PAJERO MONTERO DE.. HEAD GASKET SET AND BOLTS FITS FIAT PUNT.. The item “HEAD GASKET SET FITS TOYOTA COROLLA RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS” is in sale since Wednesday, June 22, 2011. This item is in the category “Vehicle Parts & Accessories\Car Parts\Engines & Engine Parts\Gaskets & Seals”. The seller is “shirley9293″ and is located in Cleckheaton. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Manufacturer Part Number: JHS587 bulk + JHG580Du
  • Subtype: Full Gasket Sets
  • Manufacturer: Toyota
  • Model/ Series: Avensis
  • Type: Engines & Components
  • Intended Use: Replacement Part

Head Gasket Set Fits Toyota Corolla Rav4 2.0 Td D-4d 1cdftv 2000-06 Vrs

Full Head Gasket Set Fit For Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS

Full Head Gasket Set Fit For Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS
Full Head Gasket Set Fit For Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS
Full Head Gasket Set Fit For Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS
Full Head Gasket Set Fit For Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS
Full Head Gasket Set Fit For Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS
Full Head Gasket Set Fit For Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS
Full Head Gasket Set Fit For Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS
Full Head Gasket Set Fit For Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS
Full Head Gasket Set Fit For Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS
Full Head Gasket Set Fit For Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS
Full Head Gasket Set Fit For Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS

Full Head Gasket Set Fit For Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS
Full Head Gasket Set Fit For Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS. AVENSIS 2.0TD D4D 110/115 Bhp Chas CDT220 1999-06. CDX, D4D, GLS, GS, S, SR, VERMONT. AVENSIS 2.0TD D4D Chas CDT250 2003-06. T2, TS-3, T3-X, T4, T-Spirit. AVENSIS VERSO 2.0TD 4D4 Chas CLM20 2001-06. COROLLA 2.0TD D4D Chas CDE110 90 Bhp 2000-02. COROLLA 2.0TD D4D Chas CDE120 90/110/115 Bhp 2001-06. COROLLA VERSO 2.0TD D4D Chas CDE120 2001-04. COROLLA VERSO 2.0TD 4D4 Chas CUR10 2004-06. PREVIA 2.0TD 4D4 Chas CLR30 2000-06. RAV4 2.0TD D4D Chas CLA20 & CLA21 2001 On. GX, NRG/XT3, VX, XT4, XT5. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Finland, Germany, Italy, Sweden, France. DPD International Normal Parcels Service. P2P International Parcels Tracked Service. Zone A: In addition to the Zone B code and zip code restrictions, belong to Zone A. Zone B: KW1-14, KW15-17IV1-28, IV30-32, IV36, IV40, IV52-54, IV63, IV41-49, IV51, IV55-56IM1-9, IM99PO30-41, PA20-33, PA35-38, PA49, PA62-72, PA74-75, PA80, PA40-41, PA34, PA41-48, PA61, PA73, PA76-78, PA60, ZE1-3, TR21-25, HS1-8. Good Quality with Good package. Receive a wrong or defective item. Not reach your expectation. Not satisfied with the quality. Not fit your car perfectly. Please don’t worry that we will endeavor to resolve all of your problems until you are satisfied. Please remember that communication can resolve all problems. The item “Full Head Gasket Set Fit For Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS” is in sale since Sunday, September 29, 2019. This item is in the category “Vehicle Parts & Accessories\Car Parts\Engines & Engine Parts\Gaskets & Seals”. The seller is “gpmparts” and is located in Leicestershire. This item can be shipped to all countries in Europe.
  • Manufacturer Part Number: EC-9775-51122
  • Brand: GPMParts
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: China
  • Fit For: Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS
  • Warranty: Yes
  • Type: Engines & Components
  • Subtype: Head Gasket Set
  • Model/ Series: Avensis
  • Attention: Please double check our photos with your old one before buy

Full Head Gasket Set Fit For Toyota Corolla RAV4 2.0 TD D-4D 1CDFTV 2000-06 VRS

Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D4d 1cdftv Turbo Core Cartridge Gta1749lv 727210

Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D4d 1cdftv Turbo Core Cartridge Gta1749lv 727210
Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D4d 1cdftv Turbo Core Cartridge Gta1749lv 727210
Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D4d 1cdftv Turbo Core Cartridge Gta1749lv 727210

Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D4d 1cdftv Turbo Core Cartridge Gta1749lv 727210
TRUE UK SPECIALISTS IN TURBOCHARGER PARTS. PLEASE MATCH YOUR TURBO NUMBERS TO THE NUMBERS BELOW ELSE YOU WILL GET THE WRONG PART. THIS UNIT IS FOR THE GARRETT. IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE FINDING THE CORRECT TURBO PART YOU NEED PLEASE CONTACT OUR INFO TEAM. At Direct Turbo UK we supply components of core assemblies for most Turbochargers on the market today. Of the largest UK suppliers of Turbo cartridges for the re manufacturing industry, we also supply to Turbo re-builders and Mechanics around the world. We like to offer all of our customers the most competitive prices within the market whilst upholding the best quality. Unlike others who just balance the shaft and wheel on a cartridge, ours are balanced as a complete unit once built, this gives a true balance and total reliability for your Turbocharger. All of our turbo cartridges are built to the very highest quality standards, by fully experienced Turbo technicians. Oem turbos are usually balanced at around 120,000 rpm, ours go beyond this and take them past 170,000 rpm while holding down the lowest tolerances. Fully built and balanced cartridge. A full balance certificate passed by qualified turbo technicians. The main O ring, oil feed and return gasket. Safely packaged in our Direct Turbo box. The item “TOYOTA AVENSIS COROLLA 2.0 D4D 1CDFTV TURBO CORE CARTRIDGE GTA1749LV 727210″ is in sale since Wednesday, November 21, 2018. This item is in the category “Vehicle Parts & Accessories\Car Parts\Turbos & Superchargers\Turbochargers & Parts”. The seller is “d.t.u.k” and is located in EVESHAM. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Manufacturer Part Number: DTUK100
  • Reference OE/OEM Number: 727210-9003S 727210-0001 727210-0001 727210
  • Brand: D.T.U.K
  • Type: Turbocharger

Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D4d 1cdftv Turbo Core Cartridge Gta1749lv 727210

For Toyota RAV 4 Mk II 2.0D4D 3 Piece Clutch Kit Bearing 116 09/01-11/05 1CDFTV

For Toyota RAV 4 Mk II 2.0D4D 3 Piece Clutch Kit Bearing 116 09/01-11/05 1CDFTV

For Toyota RAV 4 Mk II 2.0D4D 3 Piece Clutch Kit Bearing 116 09/01-11/05 1CDFTV
Brake Pads & Discs. Brake Drums & Shoes. 3 Piece Clutch Kits. 4 Piece Clutch & Flywheel Kits. Head Gasket & Bolt Sets. Oil & Filter Kits. Tyre Pressure Sensor TPMS. Toys, Gifts & Fun Stuff. For Toyota RAV 4 Mk II 2.0D4D 3 Piece Clutch Kit Bearing 116 09/01-11/05 1CDFTV. BRAND NEW Make: TOYOTA Model: RAV 4 Mk II Engine Size: 2.0D4D More Details: Sub Model: CLA2_, XA2_, ZCA2_, ACA2_ Body Type: Drive Type: 4×4 Engine Type: Diesel Year Fitment: 09/2001-11/2005 Engine Code: 1CDFTV Valves: 16 KW: 85 BHP: 116 This Kit Is Supplied with the Following: 1 x LuK Clutch Drive Plate 1 x LuK Clutch Cover 1 x LuK Release Bearing SPECIAL NOTES: PLEASE READ CLUTCH COMMENTS: With bearing, Model: CLA#, Diameter: 230 mm For engines with DualMass Flywheel Extra Information: Model: CLA#, Only with: 623304400, For engines with DualMass Flywheel With Manual Transmission with screw set with friction control plate No. At Parts2Clear we pride ourselves on our high level of customer service. Should you have any issues or concerns with your order please send us a message. The manufacturers report will be final and we shall have no further liability to you. Under no circumstances will we accept liability for consequential loss or damage or pay for any repairs or alterations without prior authorisation. All warranties provided are non-transferable and apply only for the original customer. If you are exercising your right to reject, you must notify us prior to fitment of the goods and within the 30 day period. Once fitted we reserve the right to investigate your claim. Under no circumstances will we accept liability to you in respect of costs incurred such as: (but not limited to) loss of earnings, travel expenses, recovery costs, damages etc. The item “For Toyota RAV 4 Mk II 2.0D4D 3 Piece Clutch Kit Bearing 116 09/01-11/05 1CDFTV” is in sale since Thursday, April 25, 2019. This item is in the category “Vehicle Parts & Accessories\Car Parts\Transmission & Drivetrain\Complete Clutch Kits”. The seller is “parts2clear” and is located in Cheshire. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Assembly Required?: Ready to Run
  • BHP: 116
  • Brand: LUK
  • Clutch Diameter: Diameter: 230 mm
  • Clutch Kit Type: N/A
  • Engine Code: 1CDFTV
  • Fuel Type: Diesel
  • Gearbox: Check Description
  • Gearbox Type: Check Description
  • Intended Use: Direct OE Replacement
  • Make: TOYOTA
  • Manufacturer: LUK
  • Manufacturer Part Number: LUK62330440059445
  • Model: RAV 4 Mk II
  • MPN: LUK62330440059445
  • Other Part Number: N/A
  • Part Manufacturer: LuK
  • Placement on Car: Front
  • Reference OE/OEM Number: 623304400-2324
  • Year Fitment: 09/2001-11/2005

For Toyota RAV 4 Mk II 2.0D4D 3 Piece Clutch Kit Bearing 116 09/01-11/05 1CDFTV

1cdftv Motore Toyota Avensis (t22) 2.0 D- 4d 110cv (2000)

1cdftv Motore Toyota Avensis (t22) 2.0 D- 4d 110cv (2000)
1cdftv Motore Toyota Avensis (t22) 2.0 D- 4d 110cv (2000)
1cdftv Motore Toyota Avensis (t22) 2.0 D- 4d 110cv (2000)

1cdftv Motore Toyota Avensis (t22) 2.0 D- 4d 110cv (2000)
1CDFTV MOTORE TOYOTA AVENSIS (T22) 2.0 D- 4D 110CV (2000). TOYOTA AVENSIS (T22) 1997>2003. Tutti gli articoli sono provenienti da auto usate, Testati e funzionanti.. Consigliamo però sempre il consulto di un installatore specializzato. MOTORI I MOTORI VENGONO VENDUTI SPROVVISTI DI ORGANI SECONDARI, QUALI: ALTERNATORE, COMPRESSORE A/C, MOTORINO AVVIAMENTO E VOLANO. IL CAMBIO E’ CONSIDERATO ESCLUSO SEMPRE DALLA VENDITA, ANCHE SE PRESENTE PARZIALMENTE IN FOTO. ELETTRONICA I RICAMBI APPARTENENTI ALL’ELETTRONICA DEL VEICOLO POTREBBERO NECESSITARE DI RICODIFICA (ANCHE A PAGAMENTO) PRESSO TECNICI SPECIALIZZATI A VS. NON DISPONIAMO DI CODICI AUTORADIO O CAR PASS, MA E’ POSSIBILE FORNIRE IL TELAIO (VIN) DELL’AUTO DI PROVENIENZA. CARROZZERIA TRATTANDOSI DI RICAMBI USATI, E’ SEMPRE POSSIBILE TROVARE SEGNI DI USURA E GRAFFI OLTRE QUELLI EVIDENZIATI, PER LE CONDIZIONI ATTUALI DELLA PORTA, RICHIEDERLE ESPLICITAMENTE PRIMA DELL’ACQUISTO. ATTENZIONE I RICAMBI VENDUTI SONO QUELLI DI CUI FOTO E CODICE, IN CASO DI ERRATO ACQUISTO, I COSTI DI RESTITUZIONE SONO A VS. RESTIAMO A DISPOSIZIONE ANCHE NEL POST VENDITA! Nel caso di errato acquisto, o di ricambio malfunzionante, CONTATTACI IMMEDIATAMENTE per eseguire la sostituzione Siamo venditori professionali per cui Vi chiediamo sempre di immettere un Feedback positivo a 5 stelle, Un vostro Feedback negativo, potrebbe penalizzarci in vendite future. Il Vostro ordine viene evaso nei due giorni lavorativi successivi al pagamento; avvenuta la presa in carico dal corriere espresso della merce, la consegna avverrà in 24/48h. Qualora indicate, le compatibilità qui riportate sono risultate da catalogo non ufficiale. Prego fare sempre fede alla foto ed al codice in descrizione, richiedendo informazioni alla casa madre, per avere conferma e certezza assoluta. SRL – TORRE DEL GRECO (NA)- P. MAGAZZINO: VIA VILLA PROTA, 67/O SEDE LEGALE E OPERATIVA: Z. VIA GIACOMO LEOPARDI, 16 BIS 80059 TORRE DEL GRECO (NA). The item “1CDFTV MOTORE TOYOTA AVENSIS (T22) 2.0 D- 4D 110CV (2000)” is in sale since Tuesday, January 29, 2019. This item is in the category “Auto e moto\ ricambi e accessori\Auto\ ricambi\Motori\Motori completi”. The seller is “ricambibrunotrasferr” and is located in torre del greco. This item can be shipped to Italy, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium.
  • Marca: TOYOTA
  • Brand: TOYOTA
  • MPN: Non applicabile

1cdftv Motore Toyota Avensis (t22) 2.0 D- 4d 110cv (2000)



Passgenau und einbaufertig (Direct-Fit). ISO 9001:200 / EN ISO 9001. Mit ECE-Prüfzeichen / Homologation. Passend für folgende Modelle. TOYOTA Avensis Combi (T25). TOYOTA Avensis Stufenheck (T25). TOYOTA Corolla Combi (E12). TOYOTA Corolla Stufenheck (E12). TOYOTA Corolla Verso (R1). TOYOTA: 2505127060, 2505127061, 2505127072. Die von uns angegebenen Nummern dienen ausschließlich zu Vergleichszwecken und sind ohne Gewähr. Sollten Sie Hilfe benötigen, den passenden Katalysator für Ihr Fahrzeug zu finden, hilft Ihnen unser Kundenservice gerne weiter (siehe Kontaktdaten). Langlebig in guter Qualität. Die Steuerklasse bleibt uneingeschränkt erhalten (KEINE Auf- oder Abstufung). Mit ECE-Prüfzeichen / Homologation (Keine TÜV-Eintragung erforderlich). ISO 9001:200 / EN ISO 9001 zertifizierte Hersteller. Achtung: Nicht geeignet für Fahrzeuge mit gesteigerter Motorleistung zb. Chiptuning oder mit einer nachgerüsteten Gasanlage! Alle von REMA Parts GmbH angebotenen Katalysatoren sind ausschliesslich Qualitätsprodukte von europäischen Herstellern und/oder Lieferanten. Und dem Originalteil des Herstellers gegenüber so passgenau, dass der Katalysatoren (KAT) ohne Anpassungen in die jeweilige Abgasanlage Ihres Fahrzeuges / Fahrzeugmodell verbaut werden kann. Alle von Rema-Parts angebotenen Austausch-Katalysatoren verfügen über ein E-Prüfzeichen sowie die Beschreibung über das entsprechende technische Gutachten (Homologationsbescheinigung) gemäß der Europäischen ECE-R 103 Regelung für Austausch-Katalysatoren. Unsere Austausch-Katalysatoren sind für den Straßenverkehr zugelassen und es besteht z. Keine separate Prüfungs- oder Zulassungspflicht durch eine Technische Überwachungsstelle z. Bei Katalysatoren ohne E-Prüfung und entsprechender Homologationsbescheinigung ist Betrieb des Fahrzeuges in der EU nur mit einer separat durchzuführenden Einzelabname für ca. Rema-Parts liefert ausschließlich Produkte von hoher Qualität europäischer Lieferanten und/oder Hersteller! Alle unsere Hersteller / Lieferanten sind nach DIN 9001:2000 / EN ISO 9001 geprüft und zertifiziert. Versandkosten National + Zuschläge für 1 Paket (Deutschland). Lieferung an eine DHL Packstation nicht möglich. Nur Festland, ohne Inseln. 1-3 Werktage nach Eingang der Bestellung. 3-5 Werktage nach Eingang der Bestellung. Für Express oder Insel Versand, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns. Zusätzliche maximale Dauer in Tagen. Nachnahme möglich + EUR 15. Unser Serviceteam steht Ihnen bei Fragen zur Seite. Die Preise sind in Euro angegeben und verstehen sich als Endpreise inklusive der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer von zZt. Die Mehrwertsteuer wird auf unseren Rechnungen separat ausgewiesen. Unsere Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer lautet: DE814001720. Versandkosten / Nachnahmegebühren sind vom Käufer zu tragen. Die Versandkosten entnehmen Sie bitte dem Angebot. Die Versendung erfolgt in der Regel über UPS, GLS, DPD, DHL. The item “KATALYSATOR TOYOTA AVENSIS/COROLLA + KOMBI 2.0 D-4D 85kW 1CDFTV EURO 4 Bj. 03″ is in sale since Thursday, January 26, 2017. This item is in the category “Auto & Motorrad\ Teile\Auto-Ersatz- & -Reparaturteile\Auspuffanlagen & Teile\Katalysatoren & Teile”. The seller is “rema-parts” and is located in Ahrensburg. This item can be shipped to European Union member countries.
  • Hersteller: Hausmarke
  • Referenznummer(n) OE: 2505127060, 2505127061, 2505127072
  • Herstellernummer: 511010001
  • Produktgruppe: Auspuffanlage
  • Referenznummer(n) OEM: Austauschkatalysator, KAT, Katalysator, Catalyst
  • Produkttyp: Katalysator
  • Oberflächenbeschaffenheit: Edelstahl
  • Herstellergarantie: 2 Jahre Gewährleistung
  • EAN: 4053906012178
  • Montagesatz: Ja
  • E-Prüfzeichen: Ja
  • Motorcode: 1CD-FTV
  • Abgasnorm: keine Angabe


Toyota Rav 4 Mk Ii 2.0D4D Luk Clutch Kit + Bearing 116 09/01-11/05 1Cdftv

Toyota Rav 4 Mk Ii 2.0D4D Luk Clutch Kit + Bearing 116 09/01-11/05 1Cdftv

Toyota Rav 4 Mk Ii 2.0D4D Luk Clutch Kit + Bearing 116 09/01-11/05 1Cdftv
Toyota Rav 4 Mk Ii 2.0D4D Luk Clutch Kit + Bearing 116 09/01-11/05 1Cdftv. BRAND NEW Make: TOYOTA Model: RAV 4 Mk II Engine Size: 2.0D4D More Details: Sub Model: CLA2_, XA2_, ZCA2_, ACA2_ Body Type: Drive Type: 4×4 Engine Type: Diesel Year Fitment: 09/2001-11/2005 Engine Code: 1CDFTV Valves: 16 KW: 85 BHP: 116 This Kit Is Supplied with the Following: 1 x LuK Clutch Drive Plate 1 x LuK Clutch Cover 1 x LuK Release Bearing SPECIAL NOTES: PLEASE READ CLUTCH COMMENTS: With bearing, Model: CLA#, Diameter: 230 mm For engines with DualMass Flywheel Extra Information: Model: CLA#, Only with: 623304400, For engines with DualMass Flywheel With Manual Transmission with screw set with friction control plate No. Sorry, but this option is not available for Highlands, Isle of Wight, Northern Ireland and any offshore address. Some exceptions will occur on larger deliveries or deliveries to the Scottish Highlands, off shore islands, Northern Ireland and deliveries outside the UK. We will always advise if deliveries will take longer as we never like to hold up an autosessive project. This amount is displayed within each product listing. We will always attempt to provide you with the service that you require. Sending back to Autosessive. Please package your item(s) securely, returning in the original outer packaging where possible. When returning items by post, you are advised to obtain a certificate of posting available from all Post Offices at no charge. Depending on the size and weight of the item you wish to return, it may be necessary for Autosessive to collect your goods from you and we will charge you for collecting the goods if they are not faulty. The manufacturers report will be final and we shall have no further liability to you. Under no circumstances will we accept liability for consequential loss or damage or pay for any repairs or alterations without prior authorisation. We will have no liability. All warranties provided are non-transferable and apply only for the original customer. If you are exercising your’right to reject’, you must notify us prior to fitment of the goods and within the 30 day period. Once fitted we reserve the right to investigate your claim. Under no circumstances will we accept liability to you in respect of costs incurred such as: (but not limited to) loss of earnings, travel expenses, recovery costs, damages etc. Customer service and satisfaction are at the core of Autosessive. The item “Toyota Rav 4 Mk Ii 2.0D4D Luk Clutch Kit + Bearing 116 09/01-11/05 1Cdftv” is in sale since Friday, May 1, 2015. This item is in the category “Vehicle Parts & Accessories\Car Parts\Transmission & Drivetrain\Complete Clutch Kits”. The seller is “autosessive” and is located in Chester. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • EAN: Does not apply
  • Assembly Required?: Ready to Run
  • BHP: 116
  • Brand: LUK
  • Clutch Diameter: Diameter: 230 mm
  • Clutch Kit Type: N/A
  • Engine Code: 1CDFTV
  • Fuel Type: Diesel
  • Gearbox: Check Description
  • Gearbox Type: Check Description
  • Intended Use: Direct OE Replacement
  • Make: TOYOTA
  • Manufacturer Part Number: 623304400-2324
  • Model: RAV 4 Mk II
  • MPN: 623304400-2324
  • Other Part Number: N/A
  • Part Manufacturer: LuK
  • Placement on Car: Front
  • Reference OE/OEM Number: N/A
  • Year Fitment: 09/2001-11/2005

Toyota Rav 4 Mk Ii 2.0D4D Luk Clutch Kit + Bearing 116 09/01-11/05 1Cdftv