1AD-FTV Engine Repair Toyota Avensis T25 2.0 D-4D 126 HP Repair

1AD-FTV Engine Repair Toyota Avensis T25 2.0 D-4D 126 HP Repair

1AD-FTV Engine Repair Toyota Avensis T25 2.0 D-4D 126 HP Repair
RIPARAZIONE – servizio completo ad un prezzo imbattibile? Vi preghiamo di contattarci sempre prima dell’acquisto per chiarire eventuali domande e per potervi consigliare. PAGAMENTO IN CONTANTI AL RITIRO. Ti offriamo una riparazione professionale del tuo motore difettoso. Lascia che il nostro team competente ti consigli sulla portata dei servizi inclusi in questa offerta! Offerta di riparazione per il motore di a. 2.0 D-4D (Diesel). 93 kW / 126 CV. Chiunque può vendere un nuovo motore. L’arte è, per un piccolo prezzo, revisionare il motore e ottenere lo stesso risultato! La nostra azienda è specializzata nella revisione di motori: siamo un’officina di motori e offriamo il miglior servizio a prezzi interessanti. Cosa stiamo facendo in modo diverso? Utilizziamo componenti rigidi rinforzati come bielle, valvole, testate, blocchi e guarniture Naturalmente, le parti come alberi motore, teste dei cilindri, ecc. Che vengono riutilizzate nella riparazione del motore vengono ampiamente controllate. Tuttavia, se questi sono difettosi, ti informeremo di questo e ti faremo un’offerta individuale. Grazie alla nostra pluriennale esperienza, conosciamo i normali schemi di danneggiamento dei rispettivi motori e possiamo utilizzare materiali rinforzati di conseguenza per le riparazioni, il che aumenta notevolmente il chilometraggio del motore. Possiamo eseguire i seguenti lavori sul blocco motore. Smonta, pulisci e colora il blocco. Nuove fasce elastiche, cuscinetti di biella, cuscinetti principali. Nuova serie di guarnizioni. Nuovi bulloni di testa e biella. Smerigliare e lucidare l’albero motore. Possiamo eseguire i seguenti lavori sulla testata. Smontare, pulire e verniciare la testata. Fresare valvole e sedi valvole (sostituire se necessario). Albero a camme polacco. Sostituire i sollevatori idraulici (se necessario). Chi siamo La nostra gamma comprende motori e cambi usati e revisionati. Possiamo procurarci la maggior parte dei motori in brevissimo tempo. Per motivi di sicurezza, i dati specifici dell’ordine non possono essere richiamati direttamente da noi. Conclusione del contratto Con la tua offerta fai una dichiarazione d’intenti vincolante. Con l’opzione aggiuntiva “Suggerisci prezzo”, il contratto è concluso se il prezzo che hai suggerito (come nuova offerta vincolante) viene accettato da noi entro 48 ore. Se inviamo una controproposta, questa è vincolante e puoi anche accettarla entro 48 ore. Finché non è stato raggiunto un accordo vincolante, si applica la funzione del prezzo fisso concessa indipendentemente da ciò e può quindi portare alla conclusione di un contratto. Per inviare la dichiarazione di contratto, è necessario fare clic sul pulsante “Fai un’offerta”, “Compralo subito” o “Suggerisci prezzo” nella pagina dell’articolo. Facendo clic sul pulsante “Avanti” o Non appena si fa clic sul pulsante “Compralo subito”, si apre una pagina in cui vengono nuovamente riepilogati i dettagli essenziali del prodotto, inclusi i costi sostenuti. È possibile correggere le immissioni fino a questo momento. Astenersi dal stipulare un contratto. Una dichiarazione di intenti vincolante viene effettuata solo quando si fa clic sul pulsante “Conferma offerta”, “Acquista” o “Conferma proposta di prezzo”. Riparazioni Un’offerta di riparazione o assistenza è un preventivo di spesa non vincolante. L’entità della riparazione è stata calcolata nello stato assemblato. Eventuali danni aggiuntivi possono essere determinati solo al momento dello smantellamento. Con la tua offerta fai una dichiarazione d’intenti vincolante. Per inviare la dichiarazione di contratto, è necessario fare clic sul pulsante “Fai un’offerta”, “Compralo subito” o “Suggerisci prezzo” nel.
1AD-FTV Engine Repair Toyota Avensis T25 2.0 D-4D 126 HP Repair

Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121

Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121

Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121
Toyota Avensis T27 Kabelbaum Motor 1AD-FTV 1AD Motorkabelbaum Kabelsatz 82121. Toyota Avensis Bj 2010. Bitte unbedingt alle Bilder beachten!! Zustand bitte den Bildern entnehmen! Schauen Sie bitte alle Bilder an! Das Ersatzteil wurde aus folgende Fahrzeug demontiert. Avensis T27 2.0 D-4 D 16V. Beim Empfang bitte gut kontrollieren und wenn Karton beschädigt ist, bitte Ware nicht annehmen! Schlechte Erfahrung: die Versicherung entfällt! Wir können leider nicht alle Kleinigkeiten beschreiben, bitte haben Sie Verständnis dafür! Farbcode stammen ausschließlich aus ORIGINAL-Herstellerunterlagen! Die dargestellte Farbe kann vom Original abweichen! Aus diesem Grund übernehmen wir keine Haftung oder Garantie!! Bei Fragen können Sie schreiben! Beim Einbau beschädigtes Teil wird nicht zurückgenommen!! Die Rückgabe wird nur mit unserer Markierung akzeptiert! Unsere Ersatzteile sind geprüft und funktionstüchtig. Falls widererwarten etwas nicht funktioniert (besonders bei gebrauchten Ersatzteilen), können Sie die Ware zurückgeben (vorausgesetzt, dass unsere Markierungen vorhanden sind). In diesem Fall übernehmen wir den Rückversand. Die Einbau- und Ausbaukosten werden wir bei der Rückgabe nicht übernehmen! Wir bieten folgende Versanddienstleister an. Wir bieten folgende Zahlungsarten an. Die Fahrzeugliste dient nur grober Orientierung! Bitte vor dem Kauf die angegebene Herstellernummer oder Bilder vergleichen! Liebe Kunden, wir würden uns sehr darüber freuen, fünf Sterne in allen Bereichen bei der Bewertung von Ihnen zubekommen. Falls Sie ein Problem haben oder aus irgend einem Grund nicht zufrieden sind , melden Sie sich bei uns. Wir garantieren Ihnen, dass wir einen weg finden werden, der zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit ist!! Der von uns angebotene Artikel ist ein gebrauchtes Ersatzteil. Gebrauchte Ersatzteile haben meistens Gebrauchsspuren, deshalb werden sie als gebraucht bezeichnet! Gebrauchsspuren sind deshalb kein Grund für eine Reklamation. Gebrauchte Ersatzteile kosten in der Regel einen Bruchteil gegenüber neuen Ersatzteilen. Sie sollten sich deshalb vor dem Kauf oder dem Bieten darüber bewusst sein, dass Sie hier einen gebrauchten. Gegenstand mit Gebrauchsspuren erwerben. Bieten Sie nur wenn Sie tatsächlich einen gebrauchten Gegenstand erwerben möchten.
Toyota Avensis T27 Harness Engine 1AD-FTV 1AD Engine Harness Cable Set 82121



ENGINE TOYOTA AVENSIS MK3 09 On TR D-4D 1998 125 DIESEL MANUAL 1AD-FTV- 12450846. If an engine is pictured in the vehicle it may NOT be ready for Collection on same day. Pease be aware this part is used, previously fitted second hand item. There may be some cosmetic scratches and or marks. Please view all images. Unless otherwise stated in the item description. Please ask for more information. All parts are supplied with a 3 month Guarantee (Please view our Terms of Sale) The information below shows details of the donor vehicle. This is to be used as a guide only. Any mileage information shown is not guaranteed. 4 Cyl 16v DOHC. MK3 (T270/ADT270) 2009 On. View listed parts from the same vehicle. View listed parts from equivalent vehicles. SYNETIQ is the UK’s largest vehicle management company, offering services to all sectors of the industry. We specialise in managing vehicles that have had an incident that requires collection, repair, recycling or disposal. Whilst the SYNETIQ name is new, the Board and wider team at SYNETIQ are well-known and respected industry figures who share the same principles, values and ambition. The majority of our parts are dismantled ready for dispatch or collection – however, some are still fitted to a vehicle and will require removing. These are Special Domestic Regions. All postcodes containing GY and JE. All postcodes containing IM. HS1 – HS9 IV41 – IV49 / IV51 / IV55 – IV56 KW15 – KW17 / KA27 – KA28 PA20 / PA41 – PA49 / PA60 – PA78 PH42 – PH44 ZE1 – ZE3. KW1 – KW14 IV1 – IV40 / IV52 – IV54 / IV63 PA21 – PA38 / PA80 PH16 – PH26 / PH30 – PH41 / PH49 – PH50. All postcodes containing BT. Anywhere other than the mainland UK and not mentioned in this table. As we stock parts across many sites, we advise you to check with us before making a special journey. The term “engine” refers to the cylinder head & block and the components that make these up i. Pistons, cam shaft etc. Any ancillaries left on the engine e. Water pump, cam belt (we always recommend the fitting of a new cam belt) are given free of charge and are not covered by this guarantee. Gaskets & oil seals are not covered. This guarantee covers parts only. It does not cover any labour charges or from any fault arising from the fitting of this part. This guarantee is void if any part supplied has been tampered with in any way i. Seal broken, taken apart etc. This guarantee does not affect your statutory rights. Title to the goods shall remain with SYNETIQ Ltd. (until paid for in full).

Toyota Rav 4 06-13 2.2 Diesel Engine 2AD-FHV

Toyota Rav 4 06-13 2.2 Diesel Engine 2AD-FHV
Toyota Rav 4 06-13 2.2 Diesel Engine 2AD-FHV
Toyota Rav 4 06-13 2.2 Diesel Engine 2AD-FHV
Toyota Rav 4 06-13 2.2 Diesel Engine 2AD-FHV
Toyota Rav 4 06-13 2.2 Diesel Engine 2AD-FHV

Toyota Rav 4 06-13 2.2 Diesel Engine 2AD-FHV
New & Used Car Parts. 2006 TOYOTA RAV-4 2.2L Diesel Engine. ALL ENGINE, TRANSMISSION, GEARBOX. Your satisfaction is our goal, and we stand behind all the products that we sell. For extra peace of mind, extended warranties are available upon request at an additional charge. Please make sure that the part you ordered fits before cutting, painting, altering or final installation. Altered items and custom orders are not refundable or returnable. Please inspect the parts immediately after receiving your order. In event of component failure, items will be tested and replacements will be supplied. We will arrange collection and a replacement part(s) for dispatch once the faulty item has arrived. Labour costs/charges involved with fitting/removing parts are not reimbursed under any circumstance. Engines and cylinder heads are supplied as bare only unless stated otherwise. Any Engine supplied must be correctly fitted with new timing, drive belts, oil, and service components before use. Damage caused by misuse, improper fitting, neglect, accident, or motorsport use is not covered. Any user codes will not be supplied by Pic Up Spares, only hardware is supplied. It is the duty of the installer to obtain code or coding. This is to ensure that, if necessary, a claim can be made against the courier company. Title to the goods shall remain with Pic Up Spares until paid in full with cleared funds. I(GIRTH = CIRCUMFERENCE + LENGTH) – MUST NOT EXCEED 3 METERS. Scottish Highlands includes postcodes: AB30-38, AB44-56, FK17-99, G83, IV1-28, IV30-39, IV52-54, IV63, KW1-14, PA21-33, PA34-40, PH18-26, PH30, PH31-41, PH49-50. Scottish Islands includes postcodes: HS1-9, IV40-51, IV55-56, KA27-28, KW15-17, PA20, PA41-49, PA60-78, PH42-44, ZE1-3. Please note couriers require someone to be present to sign for all packages. Template by Auto PARTnered Solutions.
Toyota Rav 4 06-13 2.2 Diesel Engine 2AD-FHV

Engine Toyota Avensis T25 2ADFHV 2.2D 110kW 2AD-FHV 273512

Engine Toyota Avensis T25 2ADFHV 2.2D 110kW 2AD-FHV 273512
Engine Toyota Avensis T25 2ADFHV 2.2D 110kW 2AD-FHV 273512
Engine Toyota Avensis T25 2ADFHV 2.2D 110kW 2AD-FHV 273512

Engine Toyota Avensis T25 2ADFHV 2.2D 110kW 2AD-FHV 273512
Nfing 2 8261 Sinabelkirchen? Monday to Friday 09.00 to 12.00 o’clock 13.00 to 17.00 o’clock. Engine for Toyota Avensis T25. The used car part was removed from this vehicle. Vehicle: Toyota Avensis T25. Mileage in km: 195677. Part number and additional information: 2ADFHV, 1141009380, 1110109375, 4,, Lieferung erfolgt ohne alle Anbauteile z. Einspritzpumpe, Injektoren, Turbolader, Kr? Mmer, Schwungscheibe, Anlasser, Lichtmaschine, Klimakompressor, Motorsteuerung, usw. Our customer service is happy to help! VAT can be removed from the total if you provide your international VAT number. We can not change the invoice after you’ve placed an order. Herbst GmbH car breaker VAT Nr: ATU57624324 Firmenbuchnummer: FN 259625 b Firmenbuchgericht: Landesgericht f? R ZRS Graz Fuenfing 2, 8261 Sinabelkirchen, Austria. Herbst GmbH – Fuenfing 2, 8261 Sinabelkirchen, Austria.
Engine Toyota Avensis T25 2ADFHV 2.2D 110kW 2AD-FHV 273512

2009 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d30 2.0 D4d Diesel 2.0 D4d Fast Shipping

2009 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d30 2.0 D4d Diesel 2.0 D4d Fast Shipping
2009 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d30 2.0 D4d Diesel 2.0 D4d Fast Shipping
2009 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d30 2.0 D4d Diesel 2.0 D4d Fast Shipping
2009 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d30 2.0 D4d Diesel 2.0 D4d Fast Shipping
2009 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d30 2.0 D4d Diesel 2.0 D4d Fast Shipping
2009 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d30 2.0 D4d Diesel 2.0 D4d Fast Shipping
2009 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d30 2.0 D4d Diesel 2.0 D4d Fast Shipping
2009 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d30 2.0 D4d Diesel 2.0 D4d Fast Shipping
2009 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d30 2.0 D4d Diesel 2.0 D4d Fast Shipping
2009 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d30 2.0 D4d Diesel 2.0 D4d Fast Shipping
2009 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d30 2.0 D4d Diesel 2.0 D4d Fast Shipping

2009 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d30 2.0 D4d Diesel 2.0 D4d Fast Shipping
GENUINE 2009 TOYOTA AVENSIS 2.0 D4D DIESEL ENGINE ECU. THIS UNIT MAY NEED TO BE CODED TO YOUR VEHICLE USING SPECIALIST DEALER EQUIPMENT. This item is tested (where possible), cleaned (where possible) and ready to fit. THIS ITEM WILL BE POSTED TO YOU TODAY (MONDAY-FRIDAY) WITH DPD. RECEIVED BEFORE 12:00pm GMT. State defects: Usual scuffs as to be expected with age – see pics. Overall Condition: 9/10 (considering age). Please Note: May fit other models. Near Side – Off Side Explained. Off Side = The Drivers Side of the Car, often shorten to O/S. Near Side = The Passenger Side of the Car, often shorten to N/S. O/S/F = Off Side Front. = Off Side Rear. N/S/F = Near Side Front N. = Near Side Rear. An easy way to remember is Near Side is nearest the kerb (UK & Ireland Etc), hence, Near Side. BREAKING COMPLETE CAR MOST PARTS AVAILABLE. UK CALLERS: 00 353 16757700. ROI CALLERS: (01)6757700. Please be advised: We are just parts suppliers. Any information we give is advisory, please refer to a professional (mechanic or auto-electrician) for accurate information before purchasing parts. All electrical items must be programmed to your vehicle by a qualified technician. WE ARE AN AUTHORISED TREATMENT FACILITY FOR END OF LIFE VEHICLES (ELV). OUR ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE PERMIT NUMBER: WFP-KE-15-0078-091. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us. Kilcock Car Dismantlers will not accept any responsibility for items’damaged in transit’ once they have been delivered and signed for by customers. All items will be checked and tested prior to packing before leaving us. Please view our full terms and conditions for further information. Please Note: due to an increase in wrongly ordered items i.
2009 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d30 2.0 D4d Diesel 2.0 D4d Fast Shipping

2010 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d22 Denso Mb275900-1921 D4d

2010 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d22 Denso Mb275900-1921 D4d
2010 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d22 Denso Mb275900-1921 D4d
2010 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d22 Denso Mb275900-1921 D4d
2010 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d22 Denso Mb275900-1921 D4d
2010 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d22 Denso Mb275900-1921 D4d
2010 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d22 Denso Mb275900-1921 D4d
2010 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d22 Denso Mb275900-1921 D4d
2010 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d22 Denso Mb275900-1921 D4d

2010 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d22 Denso Mb275900-1921 D4d
2010 TOYOTA AVENSIS ECU. CAR JUST IN — OTHER PARTS ARE AVAILABLE. This item is tested (where possible), cleaned (where possible) and ready to fit. PLEASE NOTE: THIS ECU NEEDS TO BE CODED TO YOUR VEHICLE USING SPECIALIST DEALER EQUIPMENT. WE DO NOT SUPPLY UNLOCK CODES OR SECURITY CODES FOR ECU’S. THIS ITEM WILL BE POSTED TO YOU (MONDAY-FRIDAY). RECEIVED BEFORE 12:00PM GMT. Overall Condition: 9/10 (considering age). Item Weight: 2.000KG. Near Side – Off Side Explained. =The Drivers Side of the Car, often shorten to O/S. =The Passenger Side of the Car, often shorten to N/S. =Off Side Front =Off Side Rear O/S/F O/S/R. =Near Side Front =Near Side Rear N/S/F N /S/R. An easy way to remember is Near Side is nearest the kerb (UK & Ireland Etc), hence, Near Side. BREAKING COMPLETE CAR MOST PARTS AVAILABLE. Please be advised: We are just parts suppliers. Any information we give is advisory, please refer to a professional (mechanic or auto-electrician) for accurate information before purchasing parts. Must be programmed to your vehicle by a qualified technician. Scilly Isles, Scottish Highlands, Scottish Islands, Highlands, Islands. WE ARE AN AUTHORISED TREATMENT FACILITY FOR END OF LIFE VEHICLES (ELV). OUR ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE PERMIT NUMBER: WFP-KE-15-0078-091 All parts are genuine & second hand unless otherwise stated. May have minor marks. Any major marks will be photographed see photos for condition. Kilcock Car Dismantlers will not accept any responsibility for items’damaged in transit’ once they have been delivered and signed for by customers. All items will be checked and tested prior to packing before leaving us. Please view our full terms and conditions for further information. Please Note: due to an increase in wrongly ordered items i.
2010 Toyota Avensis Engine Ecu 89661-05d22 Denso Mb275900-1921 D4d

Toyota Avensis/Verso 2.0 D4D 1AD FTV 2006-2014 Remanufactured Engine

Toyota Avensis/Verso 2.0 D4D 1AD FTV 2006-2014 Remanufactured Engine

Toyota Avensis/Verso 2.0 D4D 1AD FTV 2006-2014 Remanufactured Engine
Up for sale is a complete Remanufactured Engine less outer ancillaries for the Toyota Avensis/Verso. Any refusal of collection due to oil leaks will be charged to the customer. Currently in stock Remanufactured engines we have. Landrover Freelander 2.2 TD4 2006 (56 Reg) Onwards – DW12 BTED4. VW Crafter 2.5 CRDI 2006 (56 Reg) Onwards. Ford Transit/ Citroen Relay/ Peugeot Boxer 2.2 TDCI 2006 (56 Reg) Onwards. VW Transporter 2.5 TDI 2004 Engine Codes AXD/AXE/BNZ/BPC. Nissan Navara 2.5 DCI 2006 Onwards YD25 D1 Common Rail. VW LT28 2.8 CRD 2003 Onwards AUH/BCQ. This item will be a Remanufactured Unit that is fully functioning. It must be filled out in full and have a copy sent back to us for the warrant to start and be valid for the periods given. Please read terms and condition at the bottom as well before purchasing. Ownership of goods only change hands once all monies owed are paid in full.
Toyota Avensis/Verso 2.0 D4D 1AD FTV 2006-2014 Remanufactured Engine

2014 Toyota Avensis 5dr Estate 2.0D-4D Cylinder Head ENGINE CODE 1AD-FTV

2014 Toyota Avensis 5dr Estate 2.0D-4D Cylinder Head ENGINE CODE 1AD-FTV
2014 Toyota Avensis 5dr Estate 2.0D-4D Cylinder Head ENGINE CODE 1AD-FTV
2014 Toyota Avensis 5dr Estate 2.0D-4D Cylinder Head ENGINE CODE 1AD-FTV
2014 Toyota Avensis 5dr Estate 2.0D-4D Cylinder Head ENGINE CODE 1AD-FTV
2014 Toyota Avensis 5dr Estate 2.0D-4D Cylinder Head ENGINE CODE 1AD-FTV
2014 Toyota Avensis 5dr Estate 2.0D-4D Cylinder Head ENGINE CODE 1AD-FTV
2014 Toyota Avensis 5dr Estate 2.0D-4D Cylinder Head ENGINE CODE 1AD-FTV

2014 Toyota Avensis 5dr Estate 2.0D-4D Cylinder Head ENGINE CODE 1AD-FTV
2014 Toyota Avensis 5dr Estate 2.0D-4D Cylinder Head – ENGINE CODE: 1AD-FTV. Vehicle Colour Grey (1G3). Trim Icon Business Edition. Transmission Speed 6 Speed. Invoices available upon request. London Congestion Charge Zone, Scottish Isles (Postcodes; HS, KA27-28, KW15-17, PA20, PA41-49, PA60-80), More northerly parts of Scotland (Postcodes; AB31, AB32, AB33, AB34, AB35, AB36, AB37, AB38, AB41, AB42, AB43, AB44, AB45, AB51, AB52, AB53, AB54, AB55, AB56, FK19 FK20, FK21, IV 1-63, KW1-14, PA21, PH1-10, PH15-50), Isle. Of Man, Isle Of Wight, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands.
2014 Toyota Avensis 5dr Estate 2.0D-4D Cylinder Head ENGINE CODE 1AD-FTV