APEC Front Pair of Brake Discs for Toyota Avensis D-4D 150 2.2 Nov 2008-Nov 2018

APEC Front Pair of Brake Discs for Toyota Avensis D-4D 150 2.2 Nov 2008-Nov 2018
APEC Front Pair of Brake Discs for Toyota Avensis D-4D 150 2.2 Nov 2008-Nov 2018
APEC Front Pair of Brake Discs for Toyota Avensis D-4D 150 2.2 Nov 2008-Nov 2018
APEC Front Pair of Brake Discs for Toyota Avensis D-4D 150 2.2 Nov 2008-Nov 2018
APEC Front Pair of Brake Discs for Toyota Avensis D-4D 150 2.2 Nov 2008-Nov 2018
APEC Front Pair of Brake Discs for Toyota Avensis D-4D 150 2.2 Nov 2008-Nov 2018
APEC Front Pair of Brake Discs for Toyota Avensis D-4D 150 2.2 Nov 2008-Nov 2018
APEC Front Pair of Brake Discs for Toyota Avensis D-4D 150 2.2 Nov 2008-Nov 2018
APEC Front Pair of Brake Discs for Toyota Avensis D-4D 150 2.2 Nov 2008-Nov 2018

APEC Front Pair of Brake Discs for Toyota Avensis D-4D 150 2.2 Nov 2008-Nov 2018
APEC Front Pair of Brake Discs for Toyota Avensis D-4D 150 2.2 Nov 2008-Nov 2018. We will try and respond back to you as promptly as possible. This listing is for APEC Pair of Brake Discs compatible with Toyota Avensis 2.2 11/08 to 11/18. What this Set Contains. 2 x DSK2655 – APEC Brake Disc Single. Engine Code: 2AD-FTV / 2AD-FHV. Additional Sub Model Info: _T27. Compatible Brake Pad Part Number: PAD1788. Brake Disc Type: Vented. Brake Disc Thickness: 26mm. Number of Holes: 5. Bolt Hole Circle Diameter: 114mm. Brand New Product in Box. Please message us with your Vehicle Registration Number to avoid any further delay in dispatch. Check the product listing & compatibility table. Send us your vehicle registration number so we can confirm fitment. Send us a message if you require any help. Supplying the motor trade for over 50 years, Apec is firmly established as the leading specialist braking supplier to motor factors throughout the UK and Ireland. We never compromise on quality or service, so we’ve earned a reputation that’s respected and trusted throughout the motor trade. Apec products benefit from continual investment in R&D. We regularly compare them against the OE product to equal or improve on performance. Advanced robotic manufacturing means our parts fit first time, every time, and they’re all guaranteed for 3 years or 36000 miles. If you do require your parts extra urgently then you can collect from our Northampton depot. Please make sure you provide your telephone number & Mobile. Please make sure you provide your vehicles registration number. Postcodes excluded from mainland UK are: AB31, AB33 > AB38, AB44 > AB45, AB51 > AB56, FK18 > FK21, G84, HS1 > HS9, IV1 > IV36, IV40, IV52 > IV54, IV63, KA27 > KA28, KW1 > KW14, KW15 > KW17, PA20 > PA40, PA41 > PA49, PA60 > PA78, PH19 > PH41, PH42, PH43 > PH50, TR21 > TR25, ZE1 > ZE3, Isle of Wight, Northern Ireland and all Isles off mainland UK. We would want you to understand the following points before returning any item. New Parts Unopened & Unused. Send back without prior authorisation. You must notify us of the return so we can notify the manufacture to expect it back for inspection. Full details of our terms and conditions can be found. Mechanics Choice aims to keep customers happy and we trust you will have a positive experience with us. We understand the importance of delivering a high level of service to our customers. We like to look after all aspects for our customer. We do however understand that sometimes things can go wrong however please be reassured we will be on hand to assist as much as possible. We aim to respond back to queries as quick as possible and this is normally within 24-48 hours. And our Customer Service team will be happy to assist. Add to Favourites.
APEC Front Pair of Brake Discs for Toyota Avensis D-4D 150 2.2 Nov 2008-Nov 2018

GT1749V turbo core 727210-0001 for Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D-4D 1CD-FTV 2003

GT1749V turbo core 727210-0001 for Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D-4D 1CD-FTV 2003
GT1749V turbo core 727210-0001 for Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D-4D 1CD-FTV 2003
GT1749V turbo core 727210-0001 for Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D-4D 1CD-FTV 2003
GT1749V turbo core 727210-0001 for Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D-4D 1CD-FTV 2003
GT1749V turbo core 727210-0001 for Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D-4D 1CD-FTV 2003
GT1749V turbo core 727210-0001 for Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D-4D 1CD-FTV 2003
GT1749V turbo core 727210-0001 for Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D-4D 1CD-FTV 2003
GT1749V turbo core 727210-0001 for Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D-4D 1CD-FTV 2003
GT1749V turbo core 727210-0001 for Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D-4D 1CD-FTV 2003
GT1749V turbo core 727210-0001 for Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D-4D 1CD-FTV 2003

GT1749V turbo core 727210-0001 for Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D-4D 1CD-FTV 2003
Only part number is the unique ID. 17201-0G010, 172010G010, 17201 0G010. Turbo cartridge for Toyota Avensis D-4D 85Kw. Turbo cartridge for Toyota Corolla D-4D 81Kw. As usual, we send parcel by DHL/TNT/EMS, 4-7 days deliver. All our turbo cartridge are balanced, and have Oring, gaskets, balanced report inside.
GT1749V turbo core 727210-0001 for Toyota Avensis Corolla 2.0 D-4D 1CD-FTV 2003

Accelerator pedal tuning Toyota Avensis station wagon (type T27, 09-18) 2.2 D-4d 177PS/130kW

Accelerator pedal tuning Toyota Avensis station wagon (type T27, 09-18) 2.2 D-4d 177PS/130kW
Accelerator pedal tuning Toyota Avensis station wagon (type T27, 09-18) 2.2 D-4d 177PS/130kW
Accelerator pedal tuning Toyota Avensis station wagon (type T27, 09-18) 2.2 D-4d 177PS/130kW
Accelerator pedal tuning Toyota Avensis station wagon (type T27, 09-18) 2.2 D-4d 177PS/130kW
Accelerator pedal tuning Toyota Avensis station wagon (type T27, 09-18) 2.2 D-4d 177PS/130kW
Accelerator pedal tuning Toyota Avensis station wagon (type T27, 09-18) 2.2 D-4d 177PS/130kW

Accelerator pedal tuning Toyota Avensis station wagon (type T27, 09-18) 2.2 D-4d 177PS/130kW
Bei Fragen zum Artikel, wenden Sie sich bitte an unser Support Team! Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter! Gaspedal Tuning Toyota Avensis Kombi (Typ _T27_, 09-18) 2.2 D-4d 177PS/130kW. IOPEDAL- Das multi-funktionale Gaspedal-Tuning. Verleihe deinem Fahrzeug einen neuen Charakter und optimiere das Ansprechverhalten und die Reaktionszeit mit dem neuen IOPEDAL. Das innovative kabellose Bedienkonzept ermöglicht dir die ultimative Freiheit in der Steuerung deines Gaspedal-Tunings. Mit dem IOPEDAL erhält Ihr Auto ein dynamischeres Ansprechverhalten und eine optimierte Beschleunigung. 4 funktionelle Fahrprogramme (traffic/eco/sport/xtreme) – jeweils mit 5 Unterprogrammen. Remote Control – kabellose Bedienung. Erweiterte Sicherheitsfunktionen – secureMode & valtetMode. Auto-Ranging-Funktion – intelligente Kalibrierung. Einfacher Einbau – Plug & Play. Mit der Bedieneinheit steuerst du dein IOPEDAL, ohne dabei den Blick auf das Wesentliche zu verlieren. Neben dem aktuell gewählten Fahrprogramm (Driving Mode) hast du alle weiteren Zustände direkt im Blick. Die Batterie-LED signalisiert dir den Ladezustand und die Connection-Anzeige die Verbindung zur ECU. Über den Left- und Right-Button kannst du die verschiedenen Fahrprogramme durchschalten. Mit dem Mode-Button wechselst du in den Adjust-Mode des jeweiligen Programms. Dort hast du die Möglichkeit, jedes Fahrprogramm in 5 weiteren Stufen auf deine Bedürfnisse abzustimmen. Die gewählte Einstellung wird dir immer über die RGB-LEDs signalisiert. Die Steuereinheit (ECU) verfügt über eine intelligente Kalibrierungsfunktion. Direkt nach dem Einbau des IOPEDALs werden alle notwendigen Informationen deines Gaspedals automatisch analysiert und zum optimierten individuellen Kennfeld verarbeitet. Dadurch werden die einzelnen Driving Modes (Fahrprogramme) automatisch an die Eigenschaften des Gaspedals angepasst. Mit dieser revolutionären Technik werden alle Potenziale deines Fahrzeugs ermittelt und ausgeschöpft. Neben der Auto-Ranging-Funktion besitzt das IOPEDAL noch eine Reihe weiterer interessanter Funktionen und Einstellungsmöglichkeiten z. Mit diesen 4 verschiedenen Driving Modes stimmst du dein Fahrzeug auf deinen Wunsch zu jeder Zeit auf jede Situation ab. Traffic mode: Fremdes Terrain und zu viel Verkehr? Mit diesem Modus kannst du es ruhiger angehen lassen. Dein Gaspedal reagiert somit weniger sensibel – gerade beim Anfahren. Dein Stresslevel wird es dir danken. Eco mode: Beim Autofahren lässt sich durch ein paar Tricks Kraftstoff und damit Geld sparen. Dieses Fahrprogramm unterstützt dich dabei, den durchschnittlichen Verbrauch des Autos zu senken, wenn dazu gewisse Regeln des ökonomischen Fahrens beachtet werden. Sport mode: Mit diesem Fahrprogramm erhält dein Fahrzeug einen sportlicheren Charakter. Dein Auto reagiert mit einem deutlich besseren Ansprechverhalten und einer gradlinigeren Beschleunigung. Die Reaktionszeit des Motors wird dabei erheblich verbessert. Extreme Mode: Sollte dich das Sport-Programm noch nicht zufriedenstellen und du magst es bis an die Grenze zu gehen, dann versuche es doch damit. Der secure- und valetMode. Besondere Situationen erfordern besondere Fähigkeiten. Mit diesen Zusatzfunktionen meisterst du auch diese: securemode: Aktiviere den secureMode und dein Gaspedal ist ab dem nächsten Neustart deines Fahrzeugs deaktiviert. Damit sicherst du dein Fahrzeug zusätzlich ab und beugst dem Diebstahl vor. Erst mit der Entsperrung durch die Bedieneinheit ist das Fahrzeug wieder wie gewohnt fahrbereit oder valetmode: Jeder kennt diese Situation: Du hast kein gutes Gefühl dabei, dein Fahrzeug einem Fahrdienst oder einem unerfahrenen Fahrer zu übergeben? Dann limitiere doch einfach die Leistung deines Fahrzeugs. Mit diesem Modus kannst du die Funktionalität deines Gaspedals je nach Belieben prozentual eingrenzen, sodass z. Nur noch 80% oder weniger des Leistungsspektrums deines Fahrzeugs zur Verfügung stehen. Passend für: Toyota Avensis Kombi (Typ _T27_, 02.09 bis 10.18) 2.2 D-4D, 177PS/130kW, 2231ccm. IOPEDAL- The multi-functional accelerator pedal tuning. Give your car a new character and optimize response and reaction time with the new IOPEDAL. The innovative wireless concept that gives you ultimate control over your accelerator pedal. 4 different driving modes trafficMode, ecoMode, sportMode, extremeMode – each with 5 subprograms. Wireless Remote Control – flexible operation. Auto-Ranging function – Smart calibration. Advanced security features (secureMode or valetMode). Simple installation – Plug & Play. TÜV – Registration free. With the Remote Control it’s easy to adjust your IOPEDAL without losing sight of the essentials. Driving-mode, security-status, connection- and battery-information are all available at a push of a button. The RGB LEDs allow for an intuative operation of the IOPEDAL. You can switch through the various driving modes using the Left- and Right-buttons. With the Mode-button you can switch to the subprogram of the current driving mode. There you have the possibility to adjust each driving mode in 5 further subprograms. The selected setting is always signaled to you via the RGB LEDs With the supplied holder and the mounting pads, the remote control can be flexibly mounted in the cockpit in sight or if you want a bit more hidden. The IOPEDAL has an intelligent calibration function. After installation, all the necessary information from your accelerator pedal is analyzed and processed into optimized and individual maps. This means, the individual driving modes (driving programs) are automatically adapted to the characteristics of your accelerator pedal. With this revolutionary technology, all the potential of your vehicle is determined and set to work. In addition to the auto-ranging function, the control unit has a number of other interesting functions and setting options, for example. With the 4 different Driving Modes you can tune your vehicle to any situation at any time. Too much traffic or unfamiliar environment? With this mode, you can take it easy. The reaction of your accelerator pedal is reduced – especially when starting from a standstill. Your stress level will thank you. This driving mode gives your car a sporty disposition. Your car will have a significantly better response, smooth acceleration and a reduced throttle lag. When the sportMode just isn’t enough.. The secureMode and valetMode. Special situations require special skills. With these additional functions you can also master them. Activate the secureMode and at the next start of your vehicle, your accelerator pedal will be disabled. This provides an additional security layer for your vehicle and prevents theft. The accelerator pedal will unlock as soon as the remote control is activated. You don’t feel comfortable handing over your vehicle to a driving service or an inexperienced driver? Then simply limit the power of your vehicle. With the valetMode you can limit the range of your accelerator pedal so that only a limited range and power is available. Fitting for: Toyota AVENSIS Station Wagon (_T27_), (02/2009 bis 10/2018) 2.2 D-4D, 177HP/130kW, 2231ccm. H&R DRA Spurverbreiterung Distanzscheibe Spurplatten 40mm / 2x20mm 5×120 NB 72.5. H&R Federn mit ABE 35mm Hyundai i30N + Performance, FL 21 (PDE) Tieferlegung. Eibach Pro-Kit Tieferlegungsfedern 15mm Hyundai i30N 2.0N + Performance, Fastback. Eibach Sportline ABE Federn 45-50/30-35 mm VW Golf V 1K1 / Golf VI 5K1 Springs. H&R DRA Spurverbreiterung Distanzscheibe Spurplatten 40mm / 2x20mm 5×112 NB 57.1. Pipercross Tauschfilter Hyundai i30N+Performance 250/275/280PS Sportluftfilter. H&R SV 40mm 40556658 Audi A6 4G, 4G1 Spurverbreiterung Spurplatten. H&R Federn 55/35mm 29484-1 BMW 3er E46 346L/R Tieferlegung Sportfedern. Eibach Pro-Kit ABE Federn 35/30mm Audi A4 Limo + Avant 8K2, B8 Lowering Springs. H&R Federn ABE 35mm 29261-2 Audi A3 8P ab 1021 kg Tieferlegung Sportfedern. Eibach Pro-Spacer Spurverbreiterung 40 mm (2 x 20 mm) Mercedes LK 5/112 NB 66.5. Pipercross Sportluftfilter Hyundai i30 N + Fastback (PDE, ab 17) 250/275/280PS. Eibach Sportline Federn mit ABE VA 25-30 / HA 25 mm Skoda Octavia RS 5E. K&N Sportluftfilter Tauschfilter 33-3004. Eibach Pro-Kit Federn 40-45/45mm VW Bus Transporter T4 E8539-120. Eibach Pro-Kit Federn 35/30mm Audi A4 Avant (8K5, B8) E10-15-011-01-22. H&R Federn ABE 35/20mm 29485-1 BMW 3er E46 346L/R Tieferlegung Sportfedern. Eibach Pro-Kit Federn BMW 3 E46 Limousine, Coupe, Cabrio, Touring E2067-140. Powered by MMM Automotive GmbH.
Accelerator pedal tuning Toyota Avensis station wagon (type T27, 09-18) 2.2 D-4d 177PS/130kW

CAT Catalytic Converter for TOYOTA AVENSIS Combi 2.2 D4D 2005-2008

CAT Catalytic Converter for TOYOTA AVENSIS Combi 2.2 D4D 2005-2008
CAT Catalytic Converter for TOYOTA AVENSIS Combi 2.2 D4D 2005-2008
CAT Catalytic Converter for TOYOTA AVENSIS Combi 2.2 D4D 2005-2008
CAT Catalytic Converter for TOYOTA AVENSIS Combi 2.2 D4D 2005-2008
CAT Catalytic Converter for TOYOTA AVENSIS Combi 2.2 D4D 2005-2008
CAT Catalytic Converter for TOYOTA AVENSIS Combi 2.2 D4D 2005-2008
CAT Catalytic Converter for TOYOTA AVENSIS Combi 2.2 D4D 2005-2008
CAT Catalytic Converter for TOYOTA AVENSIS Combi 2.2 D4D 2005-2008

CAT Catalytic Converter for TOYOTA AVENSIS Combi 2.2 D4D 2005-2008
A-Z MOTOR SPARES (S-o-T) LTD. Vehicle Registration Number OR VIN / Chassis Number. Approved Diesel Catalytic Converter. Please Provide UK Reg or FULL VIN / Chassis No. Full Vehicle Specification Is Needed to Check/Confirm Fitment. NOTE : SOMETIMES WE MAY SUPPLY ALTERNATIVE. BRANDS ACCORDING TO YOUR MAKE & MODEL / STOCK AVAILABILTY. All payments must be received before items are sent. Our deliveries are Monday – Friday and are usually before 3pm. We post world wide and use different courier services. You may change your mind and cancel part or all of your order with us at any time up to 30 days. All items must be in original packaging, must not have been fitted or used in any way any evidence to the contrary. You are obliged to take reasonable care of the item whilst in your possession.
CAT Catalytic Converter for TOYOTA AVENSIS Combi 2.2 D4D 2005-2008

2x Front Axle WHEEL BEARINGS for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on

2x Front Axle WHEEL BEARINGS for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on
2x Front Axle WHEEL BEARINGS for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on
2x Front Axle WHEEL BEARINGS for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on
2x Front Axle WHEEL BEARINGS for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on
2x Front Axle WHEEL BEARINGS for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on
2x Front Axle WHEEL BEARINGS for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on
2x Front Axle WHEEL BEARINGS for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on
2x Front Axle WHEEL BEARINGS for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on

2x Front Axle WHEEL BEARINGS for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on
A-Z MOTOR SPARES (S-o-T) LTD. 2x Front Axle WHEEL BEARINGS for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011->on. Vehicle Registration Number OR VIN / Chassis Number. 2x Front Axle WHEEL BEARINGS. Please Provide UK Reg or FULL VIN / Chassis No. Full Vehicle Specification Is Needed to Check/Confirm Fitment. NOTE : SOMETIMES WE MAY SUPPLY ALTERNATIVE. BRANDS ACCORDING TO YOUR MAKE & MODEL / STOCK AVAILABILTY. All payments must be received before items are sent. Our deliveries are Monday – Friday and are usually before 3pm. We post world wide and use different courier services. You may change your mind and cancel part or all of your order with us at any time up to 30 days. All items must be in original packaging, must not have been fitted or used in any way any evidence to the contrary. You are obliged to take reasonable care of the item whilst in your possession.
2x Front Axle WHEEL BEARINGS for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on

Toyota 2.0 2.2 D-4d Avensis & Verso Alternator Denso

Toyota 2.0 2.2 D-4d Avensis & Verso Alternator Denso
Toyota 2.0 2.2 D-4d Avensis & Verso Alternator Denso
Toyota 2.0 2.2 D-4d Avensis & Verso Alternator Denso
Toyota 2.0 2.2 D-4d Avensis & Verso Alternator Denso

Toyota 2.0 2.2 D-4d Avensis & Verso Alternator Denso
7 GROOVE CLUTCH PULLEY. Avensis 2.0 D-4D. Avensis 2.2 D-4D. Corolla Verso 2.2 D-4D. Verso 2.0 D-4D. Verso 2.2 D-4D. Verso 2.2 D-CAT. THE NUMBERS LISTED ABOVE ARE MARKED ON YOUR STARTER/ALTERNATOR. Once paid, we will dispatch the replacement alternator. Receive the replacement alternator. Once fitted, please use the DPD label we supply to send back the old unit. This label is free of charge, you do not need to pay DPD. It can be used at any of the DPD drop-off shops, garages, supermarkets, etc. BoschLucas Paris RhoneMitsubishiDelcoNippon DensoMitsubaIskraMarelliCAVHitachi. 40 Valley Road, Plymouth, Devon.
Toyota 2.0 2.2 D-4d Avensis & Verso Alternator Denso

Rear Axle Wheel Bearing Kit for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on

Rear Axle Wheel Bearing Kit for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on
Rear Axle Wheel Bearing Kit for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on
Rear Axle Wheel Bearing Kit for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on
Rear Axle Wheel Bearing Kit for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on
Rear Axle Wheel Bearing Kit for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on
Rear Axle Wheel Bearing Kit for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on
Rear Axle Wheel Bearing Kit for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on

Rear Axle Wheel Bearing Kit for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on
A-Z MOTOR SPARES (S-o-T) LTD. Rear Axle Wheel Bearing Kit for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011->on. Vehicle Registration Number OR VIN / Chassis Number. 1x Rear Axle Wheel Bearing Kit. Please Provide UK Reg or FULL VIN / Chassis No. Full Vehicle Specification Is Needed to Check/Confirm Fitment. NOTE : SOMETIMES WE MAY SUPPLY ALTERNATIVE. BRANDS ACCORDING TO YOUR MAKE & MODEL / STOCK AVAILABILTY. All payments must be received before items are sent. Our deliveries are Monday – Friday and are usually before 3pm. We post world wide and use different courier services. You may change your mind and cancel part or all of your order with us at any time up to 30 days. All items must be in original packaging, must not have been fitted or used in any way any evidence to the contrary. You are obliged to take reasonable care of the item whilst in your possession.
Rear Axle Wheel Bearing Kit for TOYOTA AVENSIS Estate 2.0 D4D 2011-on

221000G011 Injection Pump for Toyota Avensis Wagon (T25) 2.0 D-4D Executive

221000G011 Injection Pump for Toyota Avensis Wagon (T25) 2.0 D-4D Executive
221000G011 Injection Pump for Toyota Avensis Wagon (T25) 2.0 D-4D Executive
221000G011 Injection Pump for Toyota Avensis Wagon (T25) 2.0 D-4D Executive

221000G011 Injection Pump for Toyota Avensis Wagon (T25) 2.0 D-4D Executive
Visita il nostro negozio. SPEDIZIONE IN TUTTO IL MONDO. Pompa Di Iniezione TOYOTA AVENSIS WAGON (T25). Riferimento del produttore: 221000G011. Modello: AVENSIS WAGON (T25). Articolo: Pompa Di Iniezione. Codice del veicolo: -1803657882. Visualizza tutti i ricambi auto. Per le parti di grande capacità cubica come cofani, motori, pinne o parti sovradimensionate , consultare il prezzo di spedizione. Per gli ordini destinati alle Isole Baleari, alle Isole Canarie, a Ceuta e Melilla, sono previsti costi di spedizione aggiuntivi, si prega di consultare il venditore. Non effettuiamo spedizioni internazionali verso le isole. Se il cliente non seleziona le spese di spedizione appropriate, l’ordine verrà annullato. È responsabilità dell’acquirente pagare i dazi doganali, le spese doganali, le tasse e le imposte generate nel paese di destinazione della spedizione. ¿Quieres que te aseguremos que esta pieza corresponde a tu vehículo? Solo tienes que enviarnos una fotografía de la ficha técnica y/o la referencia de tu pieza. Voulez-vous que nous nous assurions que cette pièce conviendra à votre véhicule? Nous pouvons le vérifier! Il vous suffit de nous envoyer une photo de la fiche technique et/ou la référence de votre pièce. Do you want us to make sure that this part fits your vehicle? We can check it! Just send us a picture of the technical data sheet and/or the reference of your part. Möchten Sie, dass wir sicherstellen, dass dieses Teil Ihrem Fahrzeug entspricht? Wir können es überprüfen! Sie müssen uns lediglich ein Foto des technischen Datenblatts und/oder der Referenz Ihres Stücks zusenden. Vuoi che ci assicuriamo che questa parte sia adatta al tuo veicolo? Tutto quello che devi fare è inviarci una foto della scheda tecnica e/o il riferimento del tuo pezzo. Chcesz, zebysmy sie upewnili, ze ta czesc bedzie pasowac do Twojego pojazdu? Wszystko, co musisz zrobic, to przeslac nam zdjecie karty technicznej i/lub numer referencyjny swojego produktu. Quer que tenhamos certeza de que esta peça corresponde ao seu veículo? Basta enviar-nos uma fotografia da ficha técnica e/ou da referência da sua peça. Le spese di spedizione e di ritiro in caso di restituzione sono a carico del cliente. Desguacesmora offre ai propri clienti, ad eccezione delle unità di controllo o dei componenti elettronici, un periodo minimo di garanzia di 1 anno in conformità al regio decreto legislativo 1/2007. Se si verifica un guasto durante il periodo di garanzia, il cliente deve notificare e consegnare l’oggetto della garanzia a desguacesmora. Il pezzo sarà valutato e verrà sostituito o rimborsato. Se il pezzo non è difettoso, verrà consegnato un buono per il valore del pezzo, che potrà essere scambiato con pezzi in magazzino. La garanzia non copre la manodopera, i difetti, i danni causati dal mancato funzionamento del pezzo, dal cattivo montaggio o dalla mancata osservanza della manutenzione indicata dal produttore. Tutti i pezzi di ricambio possono essere restituiti entro un massimo di 7 giorni, a condizione che non siano stati manomessi e che venga presentata la fattura che lo attesti; dopo questo periodo non saranno accettati resi. Ai sensi dell’ art. 18 del RD 782/98 che sviluppa la legge 11/97 sugli imballaggi e i rifiuti di imballaggio. Il responsabile della consegna dei rifiuti di imballaggio usati per la corretta gestione ambientale sarà il detentore finale. Per effettuare la restituzione è necessario sapere che. Il prodotto deve essere in perfette condizioni e nella sua confezione originale. Il prodotto deve essere stato maneggiato e deve conservare i sigilli di garanzia. Il prodotto non deve essere stato montato sul veicolo. Non è possibile utilizzare l’imballaggio del ricambio come pacco postale; non incollare l’ordine di spedizione direttamente sul cartone del ricambio perché la nostra azienda potrebbe non accettare il prodotto. A seconda delle condizioni del ricambio restituito (incompleto, danneggiato, con un imballaggio scadente), il rimborso potrebbe essere rifiutato. Naturalmente, se il prodotto non era quello ordinato o presenta un difetto, la garanzia lo include. Una volta ricevuta la merce nei nostri magazzini e verificata la sussistenza di tutte le condizioni di cui sopra, desguacesmora accetterà la restituzione del prodotto e procederà al rimborso dell’importo in base alla modalità di pagamento effettuata e, se necessario, alla spedizione del nuovo prodotto.
221000G011 Injection Pump for Toyota Avensis Wagon (T25) 2.0 D-4D Executive